Opening up a Little

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Two Days.......Y/N had only Two Days to help Twilight Sparkle with becoming the Princess of The Fall Formal to get back her crown. Now he had done some way riskier and nearly impossible stuff before in his life for survival...but helping basically a newbie win against someone who's been here for a long time and has nearly everyone under their thumb, was definitely going to be a challenge. After the talk with Celestia and Luna, the two had went to the gym to talk to Pinkie Pie, who was the head planner in charge of the Fall Formal. It didn't take long, and when Twilight was registered in, Pinkie began to flirt with Y/N right in front of Twilight. Luckily for Twilight Applejack showed up....only for her to flirt with Y/N as well. That caused Applejack and Pinkie to argue against each other, so Y/N grabbed Twilight and booked it out of there. It was now lunchtime and Twilight and Y/N were sitting down, with Y/N having his head on the table trying to think of a plan.

Y/N: Ok....I got nothing.

Twilight: Well there has to be something that can help us. Maybe we can try a library?

Y/N: Well there is a school library here. Maybe there's something there.

Twilight: *smiles* Perfect.

As the two were in a conversation, Fluttershy came over with her own tray of food.

Fluttershy: H-Hi Y/N.

Y/N: *smiles* Hey Flutters.

Fluttershy: *blushes and smile* M-Mind if I join you two?

Y/N: Go right ahead.

Fluttershy then started to talk to Twilight about new going around that she was running for Princess of the Fall Formal, as that happened Y/N started to think about Twilight's "competition". Y/N knew that once Sunset found out about Twilight running against herm that she'd probably try to do something dirty to make he win at ANY cost. As he kept thinking on how to prevent any of that, he was suddenly tackled out of his a pink blur which happened to be none other than Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Hey Y/N~.

Y/N: *coughs* Ya know Pink...I thought I'd get used to all of your surprises, but you always seem to catch me off guard.

Pinkie Pie: Aww, thank you~.

Rarity: Get off my darli- I-I mean Y/N this instant Pinkie!

Y/N's Mind: And here we go again.

Just like that Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash showed up all together an all of a sudden, them, plus Fluttershy and Pinkie were all fighting again. As Twilight tried to stop them, she looked for Y/N to help...only to see him leaving the cafeteria. Twilight was surprised by this and went after him.

Twilight: Y/N! Where are you going? We need to stop them.

Y/N: *sighs with his back towards her* Believe me Twilight.....I've MANY times. They always get like this when they get together. No matter what I do they always just keep fighting.

Twilight: But they need our help! They-

Y/N: Ok, let me stop you right there. You can't help someone if they refuse help. I know from personal experience here. Whenever I was in the other schools when I was younger, I'd always try to help those who I thought were my friends....only to get yelled at or insulted or have them make up and blame me for THEIR problems....*sighs* at this point...I'm done trying to help others that don't want it.

Twilight: *comfortly grabs his shoulder* Y/N, I know it might be hard, but please believe me. Those five girls...they're all my friend from my world, and seeing their human versions fight, there's got to be a reason for that.

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