Helping out a Princess

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Screaming.....That's the first thing the new girl did as Y/N saw her on her knees freaking out. He noticed that she had violet hair with a few streaks of pink and purple in it and a nice shade of lavender for her eye color. she had what looked like a type of "nerd" look going on. Y/N didn't have anything against nerds, or anything like that, it was just that's what he saw most smart females wear whenever he was at a different school....where they got called nerds. He also noticed a talking light purple and green dog by her and it was....actually talking to her. He hadn't had any drugs in him for years now (was forced and peer pressured into it) so he was pretty sure that dog was actually talking. As he noticed the dog calming down the girl, he was having a hard time deciding on what to do. On one hand he could just try to ignore that and keep going with his life, but on the other hand he could try to help her. Y/N was always getting into odd situations why not just get it out of the way.

Y/N: *walks up to the new girl* Uh....hi .

Y/N's Mind: Smooth Y/N, Smooth

As Y/N made his presence known, the new girl looked at him in shock at first...then a blush?

???: U-Uh he-hello there *trying to stand up*.

???: Hey Twilight look there's someone who looks like you but as a guy!

Twilight: *nervous* Spike!

Y/N: *puts his hand up* Hey, I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just walked over here to help.

Spike: Cool, My name's Spike and this is Twilight Sparkle, she's a princess and we're looking for-

Twilight: *blushing* I-I mean I'm a Twilight, I I-I mean a princess, but just Princess will do...I-I mean Twilight!

Twilight's Mind: Oh Celestia, why can't I talk right in front of this male?!

Y/N: Twilight Sparkle huh, that's a very nice unique name.

Twilight:*blushing even harder* T-Thank you.

Y/N: So.....mind telling me what was talking about, how he's even able to talk, and how the heck you two just came out of a statue?

As Twilight and Spike looked at each other, it looked like they were having a silent discussion on if they should tell Y/N what was going on, they had just met him, and yet they felt like they could trust him enough to tell him their situation. So with confirmation, Twilight looked at Y/N and told him everything.

One Explanation Later

Y/N: So let me get this straight....You're an actual Princess?

Twilight: Correct.

Y/N: And you're also a Pony from another world where everyone is some kind of Pony or Magical Creature?

Twilight: Yes.

Y/N: *looks at Spike* And there, you're a fire breathing dragon?

Spike: *nods* Uh-huh.

Y/N: And you're both here, because some other pony stole your crown, that has magical properties, and you only have Three Days to get it back before the portal in the statue closes and you're  both stuck here for another Thirty Days?

Twilight: That's right.


Twilight: Huh?

Y/N: I-I mean Ok......*sighs* I can't believe I'm saying this but I believe you. So how can I help.

Spike: Wait, really?!

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