A Night to Remember

Start from the beginning

As Y/N and Twilight looked at the pictures, they saw what looked like photocopied versions of themselves trashing the gym.

Y/N: You can't be serious, this is some straight up Among Us bullshit!

Celestia: Language Y/N!

Y/N: Are you kidding me, Twilight and I are being blamed for something we would never do and you telling me to watch my damn language!?

Twilight:*concerned for him* Y/N please calm down, we can figure this out, there's no need to get angry.

Y/N was trying his best to calm down, but he just couldn't. This wasn't the first time he had been falsely accused and this wasn't the first time that "evidence" was involved either. Luckily though before Y/N would do something he'd most likely regret, Flash Sentry stepped into the office.

Y/N's Mind: Where did this music come from?!

Flash: Principal Celestia Y/N and Twilight are innocent.

Celestia: I'm sorry Flash, but unless you have proof-

Flash: That's just it. Look!

Flash then showed what looked like cut outs and other pictures of Y/N and Twilight.

Flash: These were left in the library. Someone photocopied Y/N and Twilight to frame them.

As Celestia and Luna looked closely at the pictures, they started to see it clearly. When they finished, they knew what had to be done.

End of the song

Celestia: Y/N, I'd like to apologize to you. I was just looking at what I thought was evidence instead of listening to your side of the story.

Luna: And the same to you Ms. Sparkle. Sunset Shimmer had shown these to me and I thought only with the information we had instead of getting the full story.

Twilight: *smiles* Well as long as that is taken care of, can the dance still go on tonight?

Celestia: *frowns* I'm afraid not, with the gym being destroyed, it seems the dance will be postponed till tomorrow night.

Twilight: But can't something be done?

Luna: At the moment I'm afraid not.

That made Twilight a little upset. She turned to Y/N to see if he had an idea, yet as she saw him, he had his head down with his hair covering his eyes.

Twilight: Y/N....are you o-

Y/N: *in a dull tone* So me and Twilight can go now right?

Celestia: Well yes bu-

Y/N didn't even let Celestia finish. He just quickly grabbed Twilight's hand a took her out of the room. As he pulled her away Twilight was blushing from him holding her hand, but she quickly shoot it off and stopped Y/N.

Twilight: Y/N what was that all about?

Y/N: *in a low tone with his back turned towards her* You do realize that we were nearly accused of something we would NEVER do right?

Twilight: Well yes, but Flash helped proved that we were innocent.

Y/N: That's true and all.....but if Flash didn't show, then we would have most likely been punished for nothing. Twilight....you might be alright with being falsely accused, but I'm not. This isn't my first time of getting the blame for something that I never did. I've been accused of many things.....stealing, beating someone up, hurting an animal, brake-in robbery....I was even once accused of rape to a girl, but that was because I refused to sleep with her, and she was one of those snobby rich pricks that had money and power, so I didn't stand a damn chance.....*slowly turns and faces her* You and I were nearly almost accused of destroying the gym.... You know I was serious when I said that after I'm done helping you, I would leave this school....and I think after what just happened, that finalized my decision.

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