Helping out a Princess

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Well if you were to just tell me this without me seeing it, I might have had some doubts, but since I literally saw you two come out of the statue, and Spike here actually is talking when dogs aren't suppose to-

Spike: They don't!?

Y/N: -Sorry to disappoint you little dude but no they don't. But getting back to what I was saying, since I saw all of that happen...and also since I've had other experiences with this kind of stuff before, I believe you. Now normally I don't really help others closely, but seeing as that you only have a few days to get this done....I'll try my best to help you in any way I can.

Twilight: *smiles* Thank you Y/N. 

Y/N: Well let's go crown hunting shall we?

And with that Y/N led Twilight to the school....only to having to princess carry her since she apparently didn't know how to stand up or walk on her own two legs. As he carried her up the steps, he carefully put her down and let her hold onto his arm for support. As he walked into the school with Twilight, everyone immediately looked at him and were all shocked seeing a girl cling onto him.

Twilight: Th-Thanks for helping me walk Y/N.

Y/N: Well since it's your first time, it's only natural you're not able to fully walk yet.

Everyone Else's Minds: WHAT!?!?!?

As Y/N was helping Twilight walk to the office, a lot of students were staring at the two. They honestly couldn't believe that Y/N was not only talking to a girl, but was actually walking with one and not running off trying to avoid anyone! Slowly Twilight, got a little better at walking, and let Y/N go.

Y/N: So how are you taking this so far Twilight?.......Twilight?

Y/N noticed that somehow Twilight had wondered off, as he looked around for her, he found her...but all of a sudden music started to play.

Y/N saw all of that happen and wondered where the heck the music even came from.

Y/N: Did...Did that seriously just happen?

Y/N never got a response from Twilight or anyone else, so he just shrugged and led her to the principal's office. As Y/N opened up the door for Twilight, he led her inside to see Principal  Celestia, working on some papers at her desk.

Y/N: Hey there Principal Celestia.

Celestia: *giggles* Y/N you know that you can just call me Celestia~, *notices Twilight* O-Oh! Um, who is this Y/N?

Y/N: This is Twilight Sparkle *freezes up*...

Y/N had forgotten to make up a backstory for Twilight. If he just straight up told Celestia that Twilight was a pony princess from another world, she probably would think  he was a wack job. So with some quick thinking he immediately responded.

Y/N: She's....a friend I made back in one of the foster homes I stayed at. She just recently came here and would like to go to school here.

Celestia: Oh, I see. Well then give me a moment and I'll get you all set up Ms. Sparkle.

Twilight: *Th-Thank you your majesty.

Celestia: Majesty?

Y/N: Uh, w-well you do look like someone very davine *nervous smile*.

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