4. Propel Me Into Space Why Don't You

Start from the beginning

They hissed your freedom was revealed to you in the form of a dimly lit black corridor.

You fought the urge to celebrate before taking off without a second glance to the fallen troopers.

You had just used the force.

Wasting no time on the revelation of your strength you sprinted out of the cell, skidding slightly in the corridor before swiftly choosing a direction and pursuing it, the dark corridors glistening as you sprinted through, turning a corner you nearly ran head first into two patrolling trooper, after a seconds recovery you turned and sprinted in the other direction, hearing them yell militant codes into their helmets.

This wasn't part of the plan.

Granted there was no plan.

You dashed away from where they surprisingly weren't firing, strange, you didn't take the First Order to have a lenient stance on prisoners escaping.

You retraced your steps and found the other troopers stumbling out of your cell. So not that way either.

Looking back over your shoulder you turned another corner.

You hit something. Stumbling back you looked up.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.  Who the hell looks behind them when they turn a corner?

Supremely The Most Importantest Leader Lord Kylo  fucking Ren stood before you, adorned with his mask and cloak.

Whirling around again, you didn't make it far before a hand grabbed the back of your neck, large hands wrapping around the entirety of it and pulling you back until once again your back hit his broad chest.

His other arm wrapped over your flailing arms, securing them to your sides.

"I was just on my was to see you jetted into space, what a surprise this encounter is" he mocked.

"Supreme Leader! Was that a hint of sarcasm I detected? I'm really rubbing off on you" You replied snarkily.

Ten minutes ago you were ready to die, now you just weren't in the mood.

You wriggled in Ren's grip, but it was useless, that man was like a rock,


In a nauseating second your feet were firmly planted on the floor and the next they were at Ren's chest, with your torso flung over his shoulder, you beat senselessly on his back with your fists, demanding to be put down and hurling every curse in the galactic dictionary at him.

Ren proceeded down the corridor you ran down, he spoke to the troopers that had been chasing you before throwing them aside with the force and walking past them. You made sure to make room for them in your string of foul language, it went something like:

"Kriffing Bucket wearing numbskull nerfhearders" But with some added profanities sprinkled in.

You didn't stop struggling against Ren's firm grip on your thigh for the short journey, it made sense that the prisoner section would be close to the place where you would be executed.

When he finally set you down you attempted to make another run for it but he wrapped another arm around you before you could take a full step, trapping your arms to your side and your body to his side as he punched in the code to the black gemming door.

The door slid open with a sickening scrape.

The tears were coming out now, kriff, a blaster shot would have been so much easier.

In your panic you started talking again as Ren started to turn to push you into the room.

"No no no no no- let you go you great lump of- no no no"

Noble to the end.

He held you in the threshold of what was to be your execution chamber, a hand around your neck as you glared up at him though a blurred gaze, hysteria was setting in quickly.

He brought his other hand up to your face, brushing away a stray hair in a moment of fleeting tenderness, which, given the circumstances, may as well have been a slap.

You didn't struggle as he caressed your flushed tear swollen face, didn't flinch away as his masked head lowered to yours, as the mechanical voice ground out.

"Such a waste, what fun I would have had breaking you" you shivered slightly, as a phantom breath flowed past your ear.

"I think you've succeeded in that" you hissed, drawing in elongated breathes through your nose.

With little effort he pushed you through the door and and into the antechamber, you glimpsed the wall in front of you that would open and shoot you out into space, you spun round to see Ren press the button that closed the doors.

"Goodbye Little Rebel" the decoded voice spoke after a moment, both of you frozen in time

"NO" You pushed against the door in frustration.

But the had door closed and you, iced with shock, turned again to look out the window on the wall to the galaxy, the intoxicating array of stars seemed to almost call to you.

You would be among them soon.

Tears streaming down you face you turned back to the window on the door.

Ren's mask took up the whole view.

Suddenly a booming voice, that despite only hearing once you could recognise anywhere, filled your head.

"Accept the offer, join me"

You shook your head. Lungs tightening, the option tangible, so tantilisingly easy.

"Join me little rebel" the words reverberated around your skull, only audible inside your head.

You were broken from your trance as flashing red lights caught your attention, panic consumed you, your heart beating out of control.

looking out to space you heard the deafening creak of the wall beginning to open.

The shaking in your legs became too much and you collapsed to your knees.

You knew what you had to do to survive. But you had only seconds to make the choice, it wasn't enough, it would never be enough.

Were you strong enough to do it?

Or perhaps weak enough?

So you did then what you did in that small village in Tatooine, you made a rash decision that could potentially ruin your life.

But this one would at least secure you one.

You followed that thread in your mind that Ren had spoke down, sending your own message back.

"I want to live"

Oh the cliffhanger... Oh the pain

Ashes to Ashes  |  A Kylo Ren StoryWhere stories live. Discover now