Chapter 2

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"The names Ink!"

The disgusting hippie jerk- i'm sorry.

(That was not a fourth wall break.)

This "Ink" character exclaimed with pure sounding, yet false happiness and joy.

To you, it looked like this guy was trying so hard to befriend you. Despite the fact that he's an emotionless cunt that runs on paint for emotions, but you don't know that yet.

You cocked a "bone-brow" at him suspiciously, and attempt to push him far from your personal space. He was a uncomfortably too close to you. "Yeah, I need to breathe. So move aside." You snarled at the rainbow in front of you, still glaring into his non existent soul.

Ink frowned. "Well that wasn't very nice of you, why would you push me away like that?" Ink asked, oblivious to what you told him after you forced him to scoot a few inches away from you.

You facepalm. "Did you not hear what I just said?"

Ink blinked, his oval and star pupils turning into question marks as he did so. He used one of his fingers to scratch the top of his skull, showing signs of how clueless he was.

You mutter something rude underneath your breath and sigh, standing up and dusting yourself off.

Ink stood up right after you did, looking down at you with his utterly confused eye lights.

You pinch the bridge of your non existent nose. "Okay, you're either an ignorant fuck or an asshole with short term memory loss. Which one am I supposed to believe."

Ink thought about what you said and held up 3 bony fingers afterwards, smiling.

"So it's both?"

"Both of what?"

You shake your head violently and reached over to aggressively grab the hand he was holding up, you take one of his skeletal fingers and bend them forward. Ignoring the sexually confused noises he was making.

(No love at first sight, it just doesn't exist.)

You then release your grip from his hand and place both of your hands on your hips. "It's 2, you dumb unicorn." You say.

Ink's shapeshifting pin-pricks speed down to his fingers, then you. He then chuckled. "I don't get where you're going with this. I can see why you're a jester!" He comes out with, laughing.

You felt one of your eye sockets twitch at his sudden outburst. Who was this multicolored idiot to mock you, and what was he even hear for? He never specified.

He finished his guffaw session and let out a relaxed sigh. "You amuse me... sir..?"

You tilt your head to the side, but then realize he was asking for your name. You stand up properly and gesture your hand towards him, "It's Sans." You tell him with a small sprinkle of bluntness in your voice.

Ink chuckled and locked his hand with yours, shaking it. "Oh, I know that!" He exclaims. "Theres actually plenty of Sanses, I am a Sans myself."

Your eye lights widen. "Pardon?"

"I guess I have some explaining to do huh." Ink muttered. "Well, we're all in what's called a Multiverse. And theres alternative versions of everybody you know, even yourself!" Ink clarify's, still leaving you on "what the actual fuck" mode.

"So you're telling me... i'm not the only Sans?" You ask, furrowing your bone-brows.

"I don't remember telling you that, but correct!" Ink grinned, shooting some finger guns at you.

You stare down at your goofy F/C shoes that had a cotton ball on them.

(Kinda like Spinel and Tinker bell combined.)

"Ah right, i've been meaning to ask you this!" Ink suddenly said out loud, making you look up from your feet to him. "Huh?"

Ink tapped his pointer finger on his wrist as if there were a watch attached. "Well because there are more than one Sans," Ink began "You're gonna need a new name!"

You stood silent, you crossed your arms and still held your frown.

"Huh.. let me see..." Ink began to think, his star and oval scanned you up and down, almost like a predator had just found their new prey. You shivered at his awkward action.

"How about.. Jester?" You shook your head. "No, that's too obvious. Everybody would be able to guess my name." You told the squid.


"Also too obvious."


"Are you kidding?"



"Ink, these are the most boring names. For someone who looks like they can be creative, you're not doing that right now." You spoke, uncrossing your arms.

Ink smirked. "You say that, but I still have a lot of names I could give you!" He cockily starts to list some names again. "Like Pierrot, Zany, Harlequin, Jewel, Gemstone, Chime-"

You hold up your hand in front of him face and he stops babbling a bunch of names.

You smile. "I'm sticking with Pierrot until you can find a much better name. Though, i'm no sad french clown."

Your arm returns back to your side and Ink blinks, his eye lights changed from shape to shape. But then you saw him nod and gently pat your head. "Well then, Pierrot it is."

(I am not happy with my writing skills, this book might be considered undertale cringe.)

Also to clarify things; I do not own Undertale. Undertale is a game created by Tobyfox, I do not own Ink or any other Sans featured in here.

The only Sans I own is you, Pierrot.

(And if you can find a name better than "Pierrot," your suggestions are welcome! And i'll definitely tag you in the next chapter as a thanks.)

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