Chapter 3: Rip The Start

Start from the beginning

Eros gestures for us to take a seat, and he guides mum to her chair, as if she's a person with a disability. Cool. I hate her. Looking at the table, it's filled with a bowl of Carbonara, and pork chops. The scents linger in my nose, which makes me calm and my stomach grumbles. I make a deep grunt to hide it.

Brad leans down and whispers, "I heard that."

My cheeks flush. Brad heard it. Embarrassing. I scowl at him and mum kicks me on the shin, and I give her a glare. I don't want to meet them. She just forced me to come and meet these humans. We start to eat.

"So, what do you do in your life, Mike?" Eros asks me. His eyes bore into mine. I'm lost. "You there?"

"Um, ah." I say awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck. "Well, I play basketball, and I'm studying at Sky International High School."

"Oh, the famous school," he says, nodding. "It's expensive there, right? I think it belongs to... Richard Neil Sky, am I right?"

"Oh yeah. His son, Noah, is my best bud. And yeah, the tuition fee there is quite expensive. But my father pays them. My best bud, Noah, offered me to come to school without a tuition. I refused. It's unfair."

"Hm, you say you play basketball," he chortles, chuckling. His chuckle makes me smile. It's quite contagious. "When I was in high school, I was a varsity player. And then continued it when I was in college. Let's play some other time, yeah?"

Game on. Nodding, I think, I want to test this man, see if he's really good at basketball. I'm the best at basketball. Even Noah can't beat me. Well, sometimes he can. But it's just out of luck.

"How old are you anyway, you seem young." I state as I cut a pork chop on my plate. The pork chop is easily cut, and it's tender and juicy. God. It's perfect. Then I shove the cut pork chop inside my mouth and it bursts in my tastebuds, making me moan in delight. It's so delicious. Bit salty and sweet. Perfect.

"I'm 28," he states. I stop eating.

"You are 7 years younger than mum?" I ask incredously, furrowing my brows. Damn it. He's young. He nods. "I can't believe this."

"Well, actually you can," mum says as she shoves a forkful of Carbonara in her mouth. "Just process it with your mind, then bam, you're now believing it."

"Nice, mum." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes at her.

"So, Mel, when will you move here?" Brad asks her in a cute, hopeful tone. She's going to move here? We're going to move in here? What the heck?

"We're moving in here?" I ask her, my voice getting higher. It's not like I don't want it here. Scratch that, I don't like it here. I don't trust them. I don't like them. They are maybe good, or saints, or whatever, but I'm not going to move here. "No, I won't join you. You can do whatever you want, but I won't live here." With that, I stand up from my chair and walk away.

Mum's shouting voice rings in my ears, and I just walk. Faster. Away from them. I want to be with my dad. Not with mum.


We're moving. All of the things in our house have been moved into Eros's house. When mum got home, she gave me a loads of shits and comments. She said I embarrassed her in front of Eros. That's when she threatened me. She said she's file a complain for Dad, stating that he's not going to get a chance to get near me, or even talk to me, or much worse, to never see me again. That shut me up. She's really evil.

I'm only going to do this for Dad. The last thing I want to happen is for Dad getting in trouble. I only have to live with them. For 1 month more. I'm going to turn 18, and when I turn 18, I'm going to move into Dad's house and we'll live together happily.

Grumpily, I put my box, full of pictures of Dad and I, on the floor in the living room. There are sweats forming in my forehead, and my whole body is literally pouring sticky sweats. And not to mention it's so hot. Brad and I, we're going to share a bed. I'm not used to sharing my room. I frown at the thought of sharing a room with a brat.

I shut my eyes, my body is completely exhausted from putting boxes of things in this house. I just want to drink coffee, sip it slowly, savouring it. I'm a big fan of coffees. Dad makes the best coffees. My favorite is Cappucino. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I open my eyes to see who's the intruder. It's Eros. He just smiles at me, turns on his heels and walks away. Scrunching my nose up in confusion, I look at the table and smile suddenly.

On the table, is a mug of coffee. There's a blue sticky note on the bodice of the mug, drawn on it is a smiley face, and underneath it is: have a drink and just smile.

Chuckling, I grab the mug of coffee and take a sip.


Word count: 1,604.

D&T: December 25, 2014, 10:19PM.

Merry Christmas to you guys! Hope you had fun celebrating this special holiday! Love you all.

Sorry I uploaded late. I was very busy. My hands were numbed and tired. My boyfriend and I had a fight (for fun only). We kept punching each other's arms, to see who has a strongest punch. Neither of us gave up. Yiee.

Okay, bye.

Just kidding.



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