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Throwing the paper down I was angered with what I read. I wasn't one to read the newspaper but when I saw the headline in its bold writing and the terrible image below it made me stop in my tracks and pick it up. Two men had been attacked for being in a relationship together. They were happily engaged and had just moved in together but some people in their neighbourhood didn't feel the same. Instead of keeping to themselves a group of boys, a few years older than myself raided the couples home and attack them. One of the men was severely injured and has been in the hospital fighting for his life were as his partner was able to fight back with only a few cuts and bruises. It made me sick how in this society there were individuals out there that still wasn't OK with people who were just a bit different than them. 

Years ago people fought for their rights and for equality, for acceptance. Our society is a mess and people need to take the stick up their asses out and wise the Merlin up. Slamming the paper down on the table in the middle of the cafeteria I looked up at the clock placed on the yellow wall behind me. The girls were late. They want me to go with them to some party tonight before college started again. Seven minutes passed before they finally entered the small cafe. Louisa was very interested in what Elena was talking about a look of excitement on her face as she listened "hey did you hear, Patrick isn't aloud to return to the college" Elena said when she saw me "it's about bloody time" I said. Patrick wasn't the nicest person. He treated girls like objects and they guys were all scared of him. Everything he did he got away with so it must have been something big for him to get into this much trouble "yea apparently he's banned from the building and legal actions will be taken if he's seen anywhere near it" Louisa then said "what did he do?" I asked "that's the thing no one knows" Louisa told me "yea because daddy probably paid to keep it secret" I laughed at the sarcastic comment Elena added "anyway enough of that how about we talk about tonight" I nod in agreement. 

After the long conversation we finally left to get ready for the party. The girls wanted me to put on a dress but I wasn't having it. Marcus and Edmund would meet us there apparently they had something to do first and may be slightly late. It didn't bother me for once it was just us three and no boys. As half past nine approached I took of my night gown and changed into the clothes I had picked for the night. They weren't anything fancy, just casual. Something I could dress up with a few pieces of jewellery. Removing the headband from my hair I plaited it into two and twisted them into milkmaid braids. Louisa was already a bit tipsy so we were trying to get her to sober up a little before we left. After all we want her to be in one piece by the time we walk out the front door.

By the time we arrived at the party it had already been packed out with students. The music blurred loudly that you could hear it down the street.  I played with the necklace Hecate gave me as Elena and Louisa were walking further in front of me. Knowing I could trust my friends I had yet to come out about my sexuality. It's not like I'm afraid but I don't really like talking about my private life much. Elena had already went of with some boy not even minutes of entering the party. It proved difficulty to walk around as bodies were squashed against one another. I'd do anything to be snuggled up in bed but the gang says I need to live a little.

Louisa finally got me to dance. After the effects of a few drinks of course. In all honesty I had no idea what I was doing with my body but I loved it. Louisa was trying to sing along with the music but it came out as shouting which made me laugh. As for Elena who knows what happened to her. Last I saw she was smoking out of a window, I didn't even know she smoked! "hey pretty ladies" at the sound of Marcus' voice Louisa and I turned to him. His silvery hair practically glowed from the lighting in the room. OK maybe that's exaggerating it. My eyesight feels a bit funny. Is that even a sentence? oh who cares. I hugged him tightly after Louisa "where's Edmund?" Louisa questioned. The boy shrugged his shoulders "he was right behind me a second ago" Louisa giggled "must have been swept away by all the girls" she said I smiled and shook my head. Marcus was the best friend I didn't know I needed. It took ten minutes before Edmund showed up and he didn't look happy. His hands shoved in his jean pockets as he strode towards us "I really need a drink" he said looking around "the alcohols over there you can't miss it" Louisa pointed towards the big red door at the back of the house where the kitchen was. There was many different types of alcohol that was laid on the table, some I've never heard of before "great I'll be right back" I turned to Marcus and Louisa with a raised brow "someone doesn't seem happy" I said "yeah what was it the two of you were doing?" Louisa then asked. The two of us waited for Marcus to reply and he looked nervous "sorry can't say" he said. I shrug my shoulders then turned my attention to something else. No way was I having Edmund ruin my night.

When Edmund came back he held two plastic cups instead of one "you seem to be the only one at this party who doesn't have a drink in there hand" he told me handing over the yellow cup. I took it and thanked him taking a sip of the brown liquid. It tasted funny which made me scrunch up my face "you really aren't much of a drinker are you" he added. I nod for some reason it felt really awkward to be around him. But he was my friend I shouldn't be feeling like this. The song changed and Edmund pulled me back onto the dancing area.

Hecate looked down at the parchment she held in her hand. The only source of light came from the single candle on the desk she sat at. Anger filled her thoughts as she read the black ink on the three paged letter. Many emotions ran through her but she wouldn't allow herself to cry. She was stronger than that. Crumpling the letter in frustration Hecate got up from the chair and stormed down the corridors of Cackles Academy. The school year will began again on Monday but for now she needed to cool off.

Everything was going perfectly. Nothing suggested otherwise. So what was it that changed everything. Hecate felt like her head was going to explode if she keep thinking about it.  Should she confront her. Demand a proper explanation. Actually it might make things worse. One thing she knew for certain was she will never forgive Freya Evergreen.

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