7: Blame it on the bomb going off in 2006.

Start from the beginning

Addison: Meredith didn't mention Jake at all, or well, she sort of implied, I don't know she just heard her name in relation to the topic of threesomes and when I asked her about it she just said: "wouldn't you like to know?" With a smirk and a winky face.

Amelia: And then what happened?

Addison: And then she asked if I wanted to find out what she's made of and then she asked if I wanted to see her new office and she said she had all these cool things to show me...

Amelia: And then?

Addison: And then I ran away and I found you and now we're here now and I'm seriously freaking out!

Amelia: Are you freaking out because you're afraid Jake will be mad about it? Or are you freaking out because you're afraid you're going to cave and say 'yes,' to Meredith and cheat on your second husband with her? Or are you freaking out because you didn't think you were gay or anything less than straight at all, but now you have curiosities about women that you've never considered before?

Addison: All of the above!?

Amelia: I get that. I'm bicurious also. Not for you, to be clear, because we're basically sisters even though you left Derek so technically you're not my sister in law anymore but I still think of you like my sister and you think of me like your little sister you never had, and you used to live in my house growing up. But there are women I wish I had slept with before. And I've said that aloud but I'm not sure if you were there to hear it.

Addison: What are you going to do about it?

Amelia: Link and I have talked about later happily finding a woman who is interested in joining us, not you, of course, Addison and I mean that with no offense at all- It's because you're sort of my sister-in-law and it would be weird between the two of us, I think, but some other woman, to have a three-way with Link and me, someday would be nice.

Addison: I'm glad Link is so supportive. He seems lovely. And your kid is adorable by the way.

Amelia: Yeah, Bailey helped me give birth by holding onto my back when I was in labor and Link was operating.

Addison: That's lovely! You know, George O'Malley once did that for her while Derek was operating on her then-husband Tucker-Jones because he needed brain surgery because he got in a car accident and Meredith Grey has her hand on a bomb.

Amelia: What happened with the bomb?

Addison: It exploded and the bomb squad guy Dylan died and Meredith was thrown back and got hit by shrapnel and Derek was looking for her and Richard found me for him, instead and Adele Webber said that I was not the "she," he was asking about.

Amelia: Rough.

Addison: Yeah. Meredith was a mess it was good that her intern friends were always there for her.

Amelia: What were you thinking, back then, when you found out about Meredith potentially dying?

Addison: A lot of things... She almost died again off of Elliot bay and she looked so, so, so cold. And I told her friends they might need to "prepare themselves," and it was awful and that's when her mother Ellis Grey died right before Meredith woke up from her coma.

Amelia: You are about her. Meredith, I mean. You always seemed to.

Addison: I- I told Derek "just, don't hurt her, again," when he found me talking to her when she needed her appendix out and I don't know if Meredith heard me but Derek did and he never asked me about it.

Amelia: That's really nice of you, to say for her. You know after you went all "Addison Shepherd, and you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband!"

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