Chapter 32 - The MacGobhainn Mansion

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*Raquel Festow POV*

It had only taken us fifteen minutes to get to the pub, pack and head back to Dean's home again. On our way back, we talked about Micha and Oren.
"They're latched to Rebecca, but I can't shake off the feeling they're going to do something to us." I told Hunter.
Hunter took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "If they are Rebecca's sons, I trust them. But I know what you mean. They come across as threatening to me and I can't even see Auras. Tell you what," he stopped and pulled me round so I was in front of him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, giving me a serious look. "If we get there and you don't like it, we will go straight back to mine, ok?"
I nodded and smiled at him, moving my head forwards and kissing him on his soft lips. His mouth moved with mine and our tongues danced together. It felt amazing to be with him, I just hoped he felt the same way. He hadn't shown any signs of wanting to do Vollang, though. In fact, he had avoided talking about it all together, even when I had made hints, he distracted me with something else. It's been five days now, surely he must be getting the urge? Did he not like me after all?
"Get a room, you two!" Came a mocking voice.
We broke apart and looked round to see Edwards leaning against the wall, smoking. He grinned at us when we saw him and came over.
"Sorry, I had to get out of there. Seeing Rhianna doing everything Dean and Hewitt asked her to do was kind of... freaking me out to say the least." He admitted.
"Why? It's what she deserves." I said, bluntly.
"Yeah, I know. But when she started doing the chicken dance, yeah. I had to get out of there."
Hunter burst out laughing. "Have they got her to do any repairs at all?" He chortled.
"Oh yeah, they got her to do all that in the first five minutes then decided to see how far she was going to go." Edwards cringed a little and looked at me. "Please don't do that to me."
I cocked an eyebrow. "Don't upset me, and I won't need to. She needs to realise I am more powerful than any of them, combined."
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Edwards breathed, scratching his head and looking at his smoking stick.
"I have to admit, babe. I get freaked out when you do it." Hunter said, grimacing a little. "I mean, the fact you can hypnotise people like that and make them do whatever you want them to, it's kind of... thrilling yet really fucking terrifying." His eyes widened at the last few words.
I put my arms around his neck and smiled sweetly. "You'll be safe. I would never do that to you." I pecked the tip of his nose, affectionately, then gave him a fake stern look. "But if you put off vollang any longer, I may have to resort to it."
Hunter let slip a shocked nervous laugh at that. Edwards looked between the two of us, confused.
"What's Vollang?" He asked.
"None of your business!" Hunter snapped at him and pulled me to Dean and Hewitt's.
When we entered, Rhianna was laying on her side, rotating on the floor looking like she was walking in a wheel. Hunter burst into laughter, clutching his stomach and bending forwards. I cocked an eyebrow and smirked in triumph.
They were doing exactly what I had hoped they would do. Humiliating Rhianna like this will definitely make her angry, but it will put her off threatening or hurting anyone else ever again, at least around me. My plan was working perfectly.
"How has she been?" I asked Dean and Hewitt who were howling with laughter, tears streaming down their faces.
"Oh, she's been great." Hewitt wheezed, wiping the tears from her eyes. "She's had an absolute blast!"
"Excellent." I looked at Rhianna and walked over to her. "Do you think she's had enough punishment for one day?" I asked them, looking back at them over my shoulder.
Dean thought about it, looking up at the ceiling and bobbing her head from side to side. "Maybe she could do with a little longer? At least, until Watson and the others are back?" She suggested, grinning.
I grinned back and nodded. Stepping towards Rhianna I looked down my nose at her. "I know you can hear me, so listen carefully. You ever, ever, hurt any of my fazeebs again, you will be saying goodbye to your free will forever, understood?" I narrowed my eyes at her before looking up to Clara. Xavier and my firez were nowhere to be seen. "Where is my firez?"
"He's doing a Tension Release upstairs with Xavier." Clara told me, smiling as she watched Rhianna now get up off the floor and head into the kitchen.
I saw Hunter visibly shudder from the corner of my eye, making me mentally roll my eyes. "Ok. Hunter, I'm going to do a Tension release with Clara." I told him.
He seemed to gulp, but nodded at me.
"How about we get Rhianna to join you?" Dean snickered.
I laughed. "That would be a good idea, but I don't think we should push her that far... do you?" I winked at them and they laughed, shaking their heads.
"Maybe next time, if she steps out of line again?" Hewitt giggled.
Suddenly, Hunter's phone started ringing. He looked at the phone, a grin spreading across his face, before tapping it to answer.
"Heya, Darren. You're missing one hell of a show here, mate!" He sniggered.
Clara and I headed upstairs into the bedroom we were supposed to be sharing together. I shut the door behind me and we started to undress.
"So?" Clara urged. "Has he done it with you yet?"
I shook my head. "He keeps putting it off. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong." I admitted to her.
Clara stood up straight and thought for a moment. "Maybe people from this Realm have a time period that they do vollang?" She thought carefully.
"I doubt it." I said, removing the undergarments I had bought the other day. "I see him in the mornings. He has the ability to do it, just doesn't want to." I couldn't hide the fact I was feeling a little hurt by his rejections.
"Oh, fazeeb. It'll happen. I'm sure of it. Have you spoken to your Firez about it?" She asked.
"Yes. He said something along the same lines as you. He thinks they understand more about how to avoid pregnancies than we do, so could be waiting for that period to do a Vollang Release." I sighed. "Thing is, it's been five days now. I don't think I can actually wait any longer. I wouldn't mind having his biqirez or za."
"Hmmm." Clara hummed, thoughtfully. "Very strange, I must admit. Actually, there was something I was meant to ask you!"
I moved into the centre of the room, mentally preparing myself to begin the Tension Release. "What is it?"
"Could there be a possibility that Xavier and I are saltazeebs?" She whispered.
I looked at her Aura. The gold haze pulsed excitedly but there were no latches to him that I could see. "I can't see it, Clara. I'm sorry." I told her, sadly.
Clara's face fell. "That's ok. It was just in case." She looked down hearted, but joined me in the centre of the room and we began the Tension Release.
After a good hour, Clara straightened herself up and sighed. "I feel much better now." She breathed, walking over to her clothes.
"Hmm." I said. I straightened up, but still felt tense. "I'm going to continue. I don't feel entirely relaxed yet."
She nodded. "Plaxzen. I'll head down and leave you to finish off then." She said, struggling with getting on her trousers. "I should have chosen skirts, I think."
I snorted and bent forwards again, wrapping my hands around my ankle and putting my head to my knees. I opened my eyes to watch Clara leave the room, but Hunter was on the other side of the door when she opened it, with his fist raised as if he was about to knock.
We both froze, staring at each other. Hunters eyes were wide and his mouth was open. Clara was stuck too, looking back and forth between us hoping someone would tell her what to do.
"Um, Relxa." I said, smiling, shyly, as I straightened up and turned to face him.
Hunter didn't respond, his eyes just coursed their way over my body before reaching my eyes again. He didn't snap out of his stupor until Clara waved her hand in front of his face.
He clenched his eyes shut and shook his head. "We're leaving in a minute." He mumbled, distractedly and disappeared from view.
I looked at Clara, and gestured to his disappearing form. "See what I mean?" I said, exasperatedly.
"Maybe, you should speak to Watson. She might be able to help!" Clara said, excitedly. "She's from this Realm."
"Good idea!" I squealed, grabbing my clothes and getting dressed in a hurry.
I rushed down the stairs so quickly, I missed the last couple and tumbled down them only to be caught by two strong arms. Looking up, Micha looked at me with concern.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his face full of genuine concern.
I gasped in surprise. His Aura had already lightened to a red. How is that possible? He hasn't been around anyone nor speaking to anyone but his brother since Rebecca and the others left for the Tavern to collect their bags.
"I'm fine. Rac iai!" I said, with a gentle smile.
"Plaxzen." He replied, grinning at me and helping me get sturdy on my feet before letting me go.
I looked around and he was the only one in the kitchen. "Where is everyone?" I asked.
"They're in the other room, deciding who's coming with us and who's not." Micha replied, shrugging. "I'm only in here, because my 'Naraz' keeps trying to hug me."
I giggled. "She already loves you like you're her own za's, that's why."
"Yes, well. Oren and I weren't brought up like that. We never got love, we were only beaten if we didn't do what we were told." Micha huffed, shaking his head. "We're not used to it, and it's too late for us to get used to it now. The fact she's the same age as us, it's just strange."
I nodded. "I understand. But she makes your naraz very happy." I beamed at him. "And she must be the one changing your Aura. You're no longer purple, you're now red. She's mending you without you even knowing."
I looked at Clara, who grinned back and we both hooked our arms into the nook of Micha's elbows, leading him back to the main room with us. Upon entering, Rhianna was doing a strange dance in the middle of the room with one leg being held up by her hand and the other hand was behind her head. She was jolting her leg back and forth and rotating on the spot. Rebecca and Watson were rolling around on the floor, howling with laughter while Ruby stood in the corner, watching with an amused smile on her face.
"Ok, I think that's enough now." I said, releasing Micha's arm and holding out my hand to release Rhianna.
"Please keep her like this!" Rebecca squeaked, struggling to breathe from laughing so hard. "This is great. A vast improvement!"
Watson had tried to calm her laughing by sighing but started back up again at what Rebecca said.
I smiled. "Yes, but she has been like this for almost two hours now."
"You kept me like that for over four hours!" Rebecca whined, wiping her eyes. "And she deserved to be changed to green, not me! I didn't do anything!"
"Your situation was different. You were changed green to allow us to help you. She has been changed to be taught a lesson and to be humiliated." I smirked at Rhianna before shaking my head. "I'm changing her back." I said as a warning to everyone.
"WAIT!" Watson cried out. "Before you do..."
She ran over to Rhianna who was still doing the extraordinary dance. She looked at Dean, starting to laugh again.
"Can you stop her please? I need to take her weapons." She giggled.
Dean pouted. "Ok, fine." She relented, but couldn't stop smiling.
Rhianna stood still and Watson removed her huge sword and daggers from her armour. She quickly double checked she hadn't missed any more on her before nodding to me and dashing back to Rebecca, both snorting again. She stood bouncing Rhianna's sword in her hand, studying it closely.
"No wonder she loves this thing. It's amazing, Beccs." Watson complimented, looking at Rebecca.
"Biggest mistake of my life making that fucking thing." Rebecca said, holding out her hand for the sword. Watson handed it over and she looked closely at the blade edge. "She needs to look after it better. No wonder she has to put so much strength into her attacks, edge is too blunt!"
I raised my hand. "Raaqis!" I breathed and Rhianna immediately stormed over to Rebecca.
"GIVE ME MY FUCKING SWORD!" She bellowed, holding out her hand.
Watson and Rebecca both drew their own swords and pointed it at her.
"You won't be getting this back until you have calmed down." Rebecca sneered at her. "Once you have calmed down, you can do a spar and let everything out then, ok?"
Rhianna stayed still for a moment before lowering her arm, slowly.
"Fine." She whispered. She shot Dean and Hewitt a furious, evil look before marching into the kitchen to be alone.
"Now then." Rebecca said, sheathing her sword and handing Rhianna's blade back to Watson. "Are we ready? Who's coming with us?"
"Myself and Hodgson, Raquel and Hunter, Rhianna and Ruby, Clara and Xavier, you and Natalia then Jarod and Fabian. I think that's it." Watson said, making a few swings with Rhianna's sword.
Perkins stepped forward. "We can take three of you, but we'll have to do two trips." He said.
Sawyer cleared his throat. "Both Jane and I have our cars. We can take four each."
"And I can take four too." Edwards said, stepping up next to Hunter.
Watson nodded and stopped swinging Rhianna's sword around. "Okidoke. Perkins, you can take Hunter, Raquel and Fabian please. Ashdown, can you take Rebecca, Natalia, Micha and Oren? Sawyer, you'll take me, Jarod and Hodgson, and Edwards can take Clara and Xavier with Rhianna and Ruby. Alright?"
They all nodded and Clara and I squealed in excitement.
"Firez, you're going to love going in the car! The seats vibrate and you get to different places much quicker than walking!" I squealed, running over to him and taking his hands. "And Perkins has an invisible band that plays all sorts of wonderful music."
Hunter raised his eyebrows at Perkins and Perkins shook his head back at him.
"Alright, move out!" Rebecca called out.

*The Chronicles of F.R.E.E. Atania's Knight - Raquel Festow* Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant