Chapter 14 - The most embarassing day EVER!

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*Ruth Watson POV*

"'Get rid of your sword, Rebecca. It will heal your Aura.' What a load of shit!" Rebecca had been imitating Raquel for a while now.
We were sitting in a nearby McDonalds having a quick chat before heading back to the others. I was having a coffee and Rebecca had tea. We had already had a very quick discussion with Rhianna and Ruby so that Rebecca could advise them to continue as normal. They were to update her with a report every evening, so she still had an idea of what was happening while we were gone. As she was already frustrated that we were stuck here, Raquel's advise had gone completely in one ear and out of the other but not before infuriating Rebecca even more.
"Beccs, I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Hell, it sounds like total bull to me too. But aren't you a little curious of it working? You're keeping it a secret from Natalia because you don't want to upset her. So why not just get rid of the swords and hopefully, it will help?" I said, ripping open another sachet of sugar and tipping it into my coffee.
Rebecca sighed and put her face in her hands. Her voice came out exhausted and muffled. "I wouldn't be able to do it now any way, even if I wanted to. We're on a Realm we don't usually go to, we can't leave and we can't risk bringing anyone else here in case they also get stuck." She removed her hands and gazed into her tea. "I wouldn't be able to get rid of them until I've made replacement ones. Thank fuck I kept the moulds I made for them. It would take me ages to make new ones if I hadn't."
"How do you think you Aura got into them?" I wondered, taking another sip of my almost finished coffee.
Rebecca raised her hand and showed me a large scar across her palm. "My blood, I'd expect."
I hummed, thinking aloud. "Raquel asked Moreno if your Aura had always been red, but Moreno said you were gold when you visited her in Swindmore before rescuing me. But it changed after you had, to red. Why? Was it because you were feeling guilty about all those people?"
Rebecca thought to herself then shook her head. "Nah, I was too happy to have you in Secrunerth for that to affect me. Besides, I got busy trying to work out how to make my sword do what Dragonwrath did when you were up against the Amica Ignis. Still haven't worked out how to do it. Maybe because I'm not actually in any life threatening situation... Maybe I need to do some hunting on Astrovia..."
"Don't say that to Natalia. You know she would freak out at that." I said, tipping my head back to drain the rest of my coffee.
"Yes, I know." Rebecca relented, drinking more of hers and pulling a face. "This isn't tea!"
"It is. It's Earth tea. What tea do you drink then?" I asked, smirking at the face she was pulling.
"Atanian tea. Best tea there is. Gives you a massive energy boost because it has similar ingredients to a red potion, but tastes nicer and doesn't last as long." Rebecca said, putting her tea down and standing. "Where do you find the lavatories here?"
I chuckled and pointed at the door behind her. "Follow the stick figure with hair and a triangle for a dress."
"Don't they have artists in your Realm?" Rebecca asked me, picking up her bag.
I nodded. "They do. Who knows, I might actually have the time to take you to an art gallery now we're stuck here."
"Best make the most of it while we can." Rebecca grumbled begrudgingly before going through the door.
I stood up and stretched, looking around the restaurant. It was now evening and some parents were still bringing their children in to have a treat for their dinner. While I would have loved to have some McDonalds right now, I was hoping that Dean would cook for us when we got back. Rebecca emerged and nodded to say she was ready to go.
After a short fifteen minute walk, we walked through the green gate into the concrete courtyard.
"Ah ha, you're back!" We heard Darren's voice from the back door and I looked round to see him wearing a pair of knee length, dark blue shorts with a chequered, white, button-up shirt.
"You have no idea how weird it is to see you in Earth clothing!" I said back to him.
"You have no idea how bizarre it is to see Natalia in a mini skirt!" He replied.
"Natalia's got changed already?" Rebecca asked him, eagerly. He nodded and Rebecca rushed inside to see her.
He chuckled, shaking his head and leaning round to grab a bag. "You want to get changed? You're going to get all sweaty in that."
I looked down at my armour and removed my helmet, reaching round to pull my waist length hair out from my cuirass. I came closer to reach for the bag  and noticed Sawyer, Hunter and Perkins watching from the kitchen counter. I quickly waved and grinned at them before taking the bag and looking inside.
There was the white shirt and tan brown skirt for Rebecca, my black dress and another New Look bag folded over. I pulled out the other bag and looked at Darren, frowning.
"What's in this one?" I asked him.
He shrugged. "I don't know. Lizzie bought it but wouldn't show us what it is. Said it was a belated birthday present for you."
"Oh, she did?" I unfolded the bag and looked inside.
It had sheer looking black fabric, but I couldn't work out what it was. I reached in and pulled it out, holding it up to see what it was. It was a see-through bodice.
"The fuck, Lizzie!" I shrieked, quickly putting it back in the bag and shoving it into Darren's chest.
Darren was making a very amused face and I could hear the guys sniggering behind him.
"Forget you saw that!" I cringed at them over Darren's shoulder before heading for the stairs.
"Baby, why don't you-" Darren tried to call after me.
"I am not wearing it, Darren!" I snapped back, starting to climb the stairs. "If you want to see what it looks like on, you can wear it yourself!"
"No, but-"
"NO!" I said as I reached the top of the stairs and went to open the first door I came to.
I froze in the doorway. Raquel and Clara were facing away from me, both naked and bending over with their heads against their knees. They moved their heads to look at me between their legs when I opened the door.
"Holy... Never mind!" I said, quickly before slamming the door shut and bolting downstairs.
"REBECCA!!!" I screamed, ignoring Darren, Hunter, Sawyer and Perkins as I ran through the kitchen into the main room.
I burst through the door. Green was sitting with Dean and Hewitt and Ashdown was speaking with Edwards and Ryder. Rebecca turned her head to look at me, her arms around Natalia.
"She is not coming back with us!!" I said through gritted teeth. "No fucking way!"
"Did you interrupt their Tension Release, Ruth?" Rebecca smirked, before bending at the waist and laughing.
"Why aren't they wearing anything?!" I shrieked, feeling thoroughly freaked out.
"You don't wear anything during a Tension Release, it creates a barrier where your tension can't leave through." Natalia said simply, smiling.
"I did try to warn you." Darren's amused voice came from behind me.
The boys were almost falling over each other, laughing.
"Shut the fuck up, you lot!" I shouted at them before turning back to Rebecca. "If she has to come back, she is not staying on the doppelganger floor with us! I will not have her as a neighbour knowing she's flashing her breakfast at anyone who comes in the front door!"
This made Rebecca collapse to the floor, laughing too much to even stand. Even the boys behind me howled louder at what I had said.
"Flashing her breakfast.." Darren squeaked out inbetween his laughter. "That's the best thing I've ever heard!"
"You wouldn't like me doing that, would you!" I snapped at him, furious.
"Actually, babe. I really wouldn't mind if it was you." He laughed harder.
"Trust me when I say this, Darren. It really does make a difference to the relationship!" Rebecca chimed in, laughing so much she was banging her fist on the floor.
I let out a frustrated roar and stormed back into the kitchen, still holding the bag that was now scrunched up in my fist. I headed back to the stairs and went up, choosing a different room this time.
I screamed as Xavier quickly ducked down to hide himself. I slammed the door shut immediately.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" I bellowed out. More howls of laughter drifted up through the floorboards and I knew they had heard me.
I punched at the wall in frustration before going to a third door and opening it slowly to check it was empty. It was so I slipped inside and got changed in record time before shoving my armour back into the bag and placing Dragonwrath, that was flashing crimson red, over my back again. I stormed back downstairs.
Throwing the bag with my armour in down on the floor by the back door, I stepped into the little concrete courtyard feeling the slight cool breeze.
"Yay, you finally found a spare room." Hunter's voice squeaked out.
"Fuck off, Hunter. I'm not in the mood to be taken the piss out of right now!" I snarled, not looking at him.
"It's ok, I'm not going to. Although that was fucking hilarious. You just couldn't make that up." He sniggered.
I shot him a warning glare and he held up his hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't laugh anymore." He promised, shaking his hands at me.
"What do you want?" I turned my head towards the back gate and glared at it.
There was a slight pause before he spoke.
"Can I join FREE?" He asked, quietly.
I turned my head to look at him again, shocked, and tilted it sharply to tell him to come closer. He stood next to me looking up at the orange stained night sky.
"Give me a fag, then we can talk about it." I grunted.
He chuckled. "No. Hodgson would kill me. He gave me a right bollocking earlier, remember?"
"I'll protect you. Just give me one. I need a distraction." I snapped.
He reluctantly took out his box of cigarettes and took two out, handing me one. I snatched it off him and put it between my lips before holding my hand out for a lighter. He handed it to me and I lit up, taking a deep drag in.
The smoke filled my mouth and I pulled it into my lungs before moaning as I breathed it out again.
"God, I've missed you." I said to the cigarette in my hand before taking another drag.
"I'm surprised you're not coughing and spluttering everywhere." Hunter said after taking a drag of his own.
I shrugged. "I used to smoke a LOT. Like, I was a chimney before Astrovia."
Hunter chuckled. "I hadn't tried it before I started working. Like I said, it was just an excuse to get away from the desk."
"Yeah, how is life working a normal job?" I jeered, smirking at him.
"Very dull. Wouldn't recommend." He said simply, shaking his head.
"So is that a reason why you want to join us?" I asked him, raising the cigarette to take another drag on it.
Hunter flicked the ash off his. "One of them. But it's really because..."
He trailed off. I looked at him and he was staring at the cherry of his cigarette. "Because?"
He jumped and stared at me for a moment before shaking his head. "Because I want to help Raquel find her parents."
"Really.." I drawled. "That's very interesting. Did you have a little private chat with her, or something?"
Hunter nodded and shifted uncomfortably before answering. "We spoke about Goodwin, then we talked about Aura's. That's some confusing shit right there. Then we talked about relationships and how most of the ones that feel too good to be true usually are."
I raised my eyebrows at that and gave a long hum in agreement. "Yes, they are!"
"She used Rebecca and Natalia's relationship as an example of one of the better ones." He chuckled.
"Yeah. I wouldn't use that as one of the better ones. But then again, they have been together for ninety four years." I sighed and stubbed out my cigarette on the floor. "Thanks for that. I needed that after what I've been through so far today."
"It's not even over yet. It's only nine pm." Hunter said looking at his watch.
As soon as we walked in the talk in the room suddenly stopped dead. I looked around at everyone gaping in my direction, looking very surprised.
"What?" I said, looking behind me at the door and Hunter.
"Holy shit, baby!" Darren breathed, leaning forward in his seat. "That dress looks amazing on you!"
I looked down at my dress then back up at him and winked, smirking seductively.
"I never would have expected you to wear something like that! I thought you didn't like dresses." Ashdown chuckled.
"This..." I gestured at my dress. "... Is ok. Flowy, girly, poofy, princesses dresses are not my style."
"Why does it have a lot of silver markings on it?" Clara said, standing up and coming over to take a closer look.
"They're zips," I said apprehensively, backing away from her as she invaded my personal space.
"What do they do?" She asked.
"They're decorative." I said as she reached out to touch one.
She noticed the tears on the hip. "Oh, it's ripped." She gasped and then started to try and pull it up.
"What are you doing?!" I screamed, pushing my dress back down before I was on show.
"It's ripped, it needs to be mended." She said and yanked it up past my belly button.
I yanked my dress back down, kicked her in the chest away from me, and withdrew Dragonwrath ready to strike her.
"Come near me again, I'll fucking behead you!" I yelled aggressively at her.
Before Clara could get up, I was suddenly knocked sideways by someone.
I rolled on the floor for a moment before I overpowered who attacked me and pinned them face down on the floor, yanking their head up by their hair and holding my blade across their neck.
It was Xavier.
"The fuck you think you're doing?!" I shouted at him, furiously. I left Dragonwrath on the floor, got off him and yanked him up to his feet by his arm. "You don't rugby tackle a knight when they're primed to attack! I nearly beheaded you!"
"You were going to kill her!" Xavier yelled back, bravely.
"She was trying to undress me!" I argued back.
"She was trying to fix it for you!" Xavier screamed back, taking a step forward.
I aggressively stepped towards him, grinding my teeth. Stamping my foot on the end of Dragonwrath's hilt, it flew into the air, twirling around before I caught it and pointed it in his face, glowing a violent red. "DO NOT TEST ME, BOY!"
Rebecca came over, still in her armour and stood between us, facing me. "Breathe, Ruth. Breathe."
"I'll give you fucking 'breathe'!" I snarled between gritted teeth.
Rebecca smirked. "Well, you're the one who bought a broken dress."
I roared in anger and humiliation before spinning round on my heel and marching out of the door. "HUNTER! WITH ME! NOW!"

*The Chronicles of F.R.E.E. Atania's Knight - Raquel Festow* Part 1Where stories live. Discover now