Jeno • Don't Touch Me

Start from the beginning

Ughhhhh, why...

You hated holding hands.

But still, out of all skinship, this one was the most okay I guess.

You turned to your right and rolled your eyes at Jeno.

"Let's get this over with" You sighed.

He looked at you a bit judgingly but held out his hand anyways.

You took it and looked at the teacher for further instructions.

"Okay" she said "now I want you two to look eachother in the eyes and say: this is a safe place."

Oh great.Cheesy stuff. Yikes.

You turned to Jeno and tried to not pay attention to his hand and how strangely soft it was. It made you feel very uncomfortable.

To be honest, you also hated making eyecontact with people so this really wasn't your day.

"This is a safe place" You both mumbled.

"Yess" Mrs Tilney said." Now repeat the following things after me:

''I won't hurt you!"

"I won't hurt you!" You and Jeno repeated. You looked somewhere between his eyebrows to avoid having eyecontact but you could feel his eyes burn into yours. 

"I will protect you"

"I will protect you" Jeno said it slightly louder, more confident than you.

He is a good actor, you thought to yourself.

"I will be there for you"

"I will be there for you" You both said.

Mrs Tilney started clapping excitedly.

Maybe she was the one who needed therapy the most out of all of us.

"Good job, good job! Now, to finish this little exercise, give eachother a warm, cozy hug! "

Jeno started leaning towards you with his arms spread.

Oh shit
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit

You HATED hugs.

And by hate you mean they made you feel horrible and terribly anxious.

Most people were comforted by hugs or just thought of it as lowkey annoying but not you. They made you feel trapped.

Oh no no no.

You leaned backwards trying to avoid the hug but Jeno was already too close. 

You could feel tears forming in your eyes and roughly you pushed him away.

"Don't touch me!" You yelled at him while running away from him, from this stupid class and from your  stupid responsibilities.

"Wait!" You heared Jeno yell behind you.

You didn't care and kept running.

Why did you have to go to this stupid therapy class again?

You kept running and running, out of the school and into the park nearby. You squatted behind a few bushes, panting because you honestly weren't the fittest.

"Please don't run away" You heard a voice speak.


Panicked, you quickly turned around. You saw Jeno standing a few feet away from you, his hands in the air.

"It's alright" He softly spoke, like I was some wild animal on the loose.

You laughed sarcastically, his worried eyes looking all too familiar.

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