Chapter 12

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It had been a few weeks since I asked Nate to mark me. I was gaining weight steadily, and I was almost the weight of an average werewolf. I was still nervous anytime someone got angry around me. I had also gone to see my family a couple times a week.

The pack was holding a meeting today to recognize me as the new Luna. When Nate had told me this, I protested saying I didn't think I could handle it. He assured me he could still take care of running the pack until I was ready, but said it should be done. I was terrified of the idea of the whole pack staring at me, whether they were congradulating me or not.

There was a knock on the door, and I was surprized to see my family standing there. They all immediately started congradulating me and telling me how proud they were. I shrunk back, nervous at how loud they were being.

They noticed and went quiet, "We're sorry." They all said, almost in unison.

"It's okay." I said quietly, "I shouldn't be this nervous around you."

We all headed over as Nate came down, saying the meeting was about to start. My heart started beating faster when I saw just how busy it was. The pack was even bigger than I thought. There had to be at least a hundred people here.

"I'm almost jealous." Ash joked, slightly startling me, "Zack won't be Alpha for another three years."

Soon after saying that, her and Zack stepped away from the croud to soothe Sammy, who was now crying.

"I don't like this." I mind linked Nate.

"I will be with you the whole time, and you only have to say what I told you." He reminded me.

"What was that again?" I tried to remember, but I was too nervous.

"'Thank you everyone. I am proud to be your new Luna.'" I was trying desperately to remember the words as he said them, "'I promise I won't let you down' And then I'll take over again."

"But what if I do let all of you down?" I started panicking.

"You won't." He reassured me, "I will help you every step of the way."

Moments later, he appeared on the little stage that was set up. He thanked everyone for coming and announced that a Luna was being appointed. He gave a little speech about my name and who I was, then gestured for me to join him on stage.

I slowly stepped up and took the microphone, "Hi everyone... Thank y-you." My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the crowd.

"You can do this." Nate mind linked me, putting a hand gently on my back.

"I'm... I'm proud to be your new L-Luna." I tried to focus on the words Nate to me to say and pretend like nobody was there, "I promise I won't let you d-down."

Word had gone out about my past, and most of the pack were sympothetic and supportive. I was still surprized about everyone cheering and shouting encouraging things as I gave the microphone back to Nate.

I shyly stepped back, behind Nate and the Beta as he wrapped up the meeting. I couldn't focus on what he said as I tried to hold myself together.

I suddenly caught a scent. One I never wanted to smell again. I scanned the croud, and in the back, I saw him. The leader of The Blood Moons.

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