Chapter 9

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We all rushed to the hospital. Zack looked excited but terrified at the same time.

"I'm going to be a dad! But why is he coming a week early? Is something wrong? Will he be alright?"

"He'll be okay," My mom placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ash, she told me to call her that, was rushed to a room when we reached the hospital. We were told to wait in the waiting room for now, but Zack protested.

"She's my mate! That's my pup!" He yelled at a doctor, "I need to be with her for this!"

"We don't want anyone getting in the way." The doctor calmly told him, "We will let you in once she is set up."

"But what if the pup comes when I'm not in there?" By this point, he sounded on the verge of tears.

The doctor assured him he'd be in there before the pup came and then left us to sit impatiently. I didn't know what to do or think. I wasn't good at comforting people, and I was about to be an aunt. I just found my family after so many years and now my brother is having a pup.

After about 20 minutes, which felt like hours, Zack was called into the room. The rest of us still had to wait and my thoughts started to worry me. Not just about Ash and the pup, but everything. My mind somehow trailed to the three men and what I would do if they found me. Nate put an arm around me and held me close. That calmed me down enough for me to fall asleep with my head on his shoulder.

* * *

I was gently shaken awake by Nate. I sleepily asked what was going on and he said the pup was born and we could all see Ash now.

I followed them in to see Ash laying, exausted on the hospital bed with a baby in her arms.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Zack asked proudly as Ash let him hold the little bundle.

I didn't know how to react. I was happy, but I didn't know how to show it. My parents crowded around while Nate stayed back with me.

"Aren't you happy?" He asked, taking my hand.

"Yes," I replied, realizing it didn't sound like it, "I just don't know how to show it, and I also know nothing about babies."

He nodded, understanding, "Do you want to congradulate them and go home? We can come back to visit whenever you want."

I really wanted to, but I didn't want to ever leave my family again. I also didn't want to seem rude.

I moved closer to them and Zack held the baby closer to me, "His name is Sammy."

I smiled and congradulated him. He spent the next few minutes trying to convince me to hold Sammy, but I refused, not wanting to hurt him accidentally.

I finally asked my family if it was okay for me to leave with Nate. They happily agreed, but took about half an hour with hugs and goodbyes, making me promise to come back and visit soon. I quickly agreed, not really wanting to leave yet, but knowing I should rest.

Soon after, Nate was driving us back to his pack. It was a quiet drive, but I noticed him looking over at me occaisionally. We were eventually at his house and I decided to go to bed right away, feeling very tired suddenly.

Broken Mate (Sequel to My Cruel Mate)Where stories live. Discover now