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Thousands of years ago, the world of Ninjago was created. A child fell from the sky onto a little patch of ground, no bigger than herself. She spent ages there, watching the small patch grow. She trained herself in martial arts, becoming the finest warrior anyone has ever had the blessing of laying eyes on. She remembered her past and her name, but not how she fell onto this planet. She was called Garmadon.

She developed a art called Spinjitzu and used in to expand the patch into a continent. She soon mastered the art, and adopted the name First Spinjitzu Master, not that there was anyone to call her that.

One day, as she was exploring the newly created world, she came upon a lake of gold. She used her own life force to create eight different weapons, each taking on a elemental property. She used the weapons to create mountains, trees, lakes, and people.

She lived happily among the humans, enjoying their customs. She had created them, but they were their own people, with their own minds, their own families. The citizens soon created legends of how the world came to be, not knowing the young traveler girl staying in their village carried golden weapons of creation with her.

They believed that ancient beings were sent to their world and lived among them, each with their own power. They were called 'Elemental Masters'. Garmadon claimed that she knew these fabled beings and would retrieve them for the people to meet.

Not being able to climb out of the hole of lies she created, she found a suitable host for each of the weapons. The people of Ninjago were ecstatic to meet the creators of their world, showering them in gifts and riches. The power of the weapons began to corrupt the minds of their holders, twisting their minds to believe that they really held the power of the weapons, even to the point when Garmadon came to collect the weapons, they refused her request.

The young girl set out in search of the true Elemental Masters. It took years, but she returned with eight super-powered beings trained in the art of spinjitzu. Four of the weapons were destroyed in this battle, Garmadon wondering if the line of  Fire, Sound, Time, and Earth elementals was broken. After a fierce battle, Garmadon stumbled away with the remaining weapons. Injured, bleeding, broken, but alive.

All sixteen warriors had perished in battle. They were soon buried by Garmadon, never to be forgotten. As the years dragged on, Garmadon grew to be a fine young woman. She built a monastery at the top of the tallest mountain in Ninjago and trained those who wanted to learn the way of the ninja.

But all good things must come to an end. A great evil erupted from the shadows, threatening to take over the world. The battle between Garmadon and the shadow raged on for years before the First Spinjitzu Master used the four golden weapons to split the continent in half, forever banishing the evil from Ninjago.

The following years were filled with peace. Garmadon continued to train warriors, and met the love of her life. Together, she and her husband raised two daughters. Years after their birth, the father grew ill. Not even the power from the Golden Weapons could save him.

The sisters grew cautious of their mother's fragile state, not wanting her to crack and shatter at their doing. Even going as far to not tell their mother when the eldest got her skin punctured by pure evil, the venom coursing through her veins.

The First Spinjitzu Master soon passed, leaving her daughters to run the monastery and keep their family name alive. The youngest daughter grew interested in the power of the weapons and set out to learn their history.

The eldest morphed into the finest politician anyone had ever seen, but returned home when her sister rushed to her doorstep, beaming with news of great power, unimaginable by human minds.

The youngest learned the properties of the Golden Weapons that were proudly displayed in their home. Ignoring her mother's wishes to not touch the weapons, she set out in search of the new Elemental Masters. The news spread throughout the continent, attracting the attention of humanoid snake-people called Serpentine.

Serpentine had been treated terribly by the citizens of Ninjago, and wanted the power of the Golden Weapons to get revenge on those who had banished them from their villages. Wars soon broke out between the two races, called the Serpentine Wars. But before more lives could be lost, the true Elemental Masters were found.

They put an end to the wars and the two races lived beside each other in peace. The eldest daughter set out to train under a new sensei. After their many defeats, she wanted to prove herself to be the best warrior there ever was. But one tribe--the most powerful of them all, the Anacondrai--betrayed the Elemental Masters.

The eldest returned to fight alongside her sister and friends. Together, with the help of several Sacred Flutes, they separated the five tribes and sealed them underground in tombs, never to be opened again.

As time went on, the Elemental Masters retired and settled down with families of their own. The two sisters fell in love with with the same man. He fell for the eldest and the two had a daughter of their own. The youngest, while heartbroken at first, was happy for them and swore to protect with their family with her life.

She made that oath all too soon as the evil in her sister's veins finally took over. She turned on her family and was struck down by her own sister. The eldest was banished to the underworld, never to see the light of day again.

"Daaaad, you told me this story last week! I've already heard it."

The child's father chuckled. "It is important to know how our world came to be."


He adjusted the young girl in his lap, watching his son play on the grass in front of him. The smells from the dinner his wife was cooking drifted out from the kitchen. He smiled fondly and turned back to his daughter. "Someday you might be the one to be in the history books. Get your brother, it smells like dinner is ready."

The girl slid off his lap as a woman appeared in the doorway of their little home. He stood and wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her blonde hair.

"What tales were you filling her head with this time?"

"Just the history of our world, my love. Skylor will make a fine ninja one day."

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