Chapter Twenty One

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Dedicated to @bateaux bc she is becoming one of my fav writers and her works are incredible

The song to the side is Who Are You by Fifth Harmony which is such a brilliant song and omF THE FEELS AHA and i also feel like the song describes the kind of relationship cole and scarlett have 



Brandon’s fist flew towards my face and with a moment of hesitation I ducked and swivelled so I was standing behind him.

I was lucky. If I hadn’t ducked just in time, his strong, footballer fist would have pounded into my nose and broken it for sure. That was something I did not want to risk happening because not only would my mother be furious, colleges might also reconsider me if I had ‘been in a fight’ on my permanent record.

Brandon turned around and tried to punch me again but then Scarlett flung herself at him and wrapped her arms around his torso tightly.

“No,” she gasped “leave him Brandon. It isn’t worth it!”

He shook her off roughly and pushed her away, not even bothering to look as she crashed into a wall.

“Woah!” I rushed to Scarlett’s side and pulled her up. She blinked wildly and looked terrified as she rubbed the back of her head. moving her hand, I took over the job for her and gently began to move my head along the small bump.

“You okay?” I asked softly and she nodded.

“Please don’t do anything rash,” she murmured so Brandon wouldn’t hear.

I had opened my mouth to reply before Brandon began to charge towards me. He grabbed me by the front of my hoodie and brought his face dangerously close to my face.

“Do. Not. Mess. With. Me. Ever.” He said, shaking me hard. I clawed desperately at his back and arms, managing to leave a few scratches.

Hissing, he let go of me and I took the opportunity to wriggle away and placing my hands on the top of his head, I pushed it down with all my strength making him bow down because of the pressure.

As he went down, I saw his fist flying towards my stomach but did not have the time to react as it pounded into my stomach making me choke and gasp.

Holding onto his hair on the top of his head, I pulled harshly and he let out a loud groan. I pulled his face up and punched him across the face, landing my fist squarely on his nose.

He winced and let out a growl.

“You’re gonna get it now, Jackson.”

Just as he was about to raise his fist to hit me he was pulled away from me abruptly.

“Enough boys!” the football coach was holding Brandon away from me. “What on earth is going on here?” He looked at the two of us with a disapproving glare.

“Sir,” Scarlett spoke up from behind him “Brandon tried to…um…force himself on m-me and t-then Cole came and stopped him.”

Coach turned to look at Brandon. “Is this true, Taylor?”

“That is not how it happened!” Brandon protested “Scarlett and I were just kissing when Cole comes in, but he has a thing for Scarlett so he went batshit crazy and started beating her up!”

Coach frowned at the three of us then turned to me.

“What is your side of the story Jackson?” he asked and I gently led Scarlett to him. I tilted her neck to show the finger marks that were visible on her throat.

“That wasn’t me,” I said and moved to show Coach the bump on Scarlett’s head as well “and that wasn’t me either. He was hurting her coach and I tried to stop him.”

“Scarlett,” Coach turned to her “is this true?”

Scarlett hesitated then nodded. “Yes sir.”

Coach sighed. “I don’t know what to think. When Scarlett came to me, she was crying and shaking and when I came to stop you boys, Brandon you were about to punch Cole but as I look at your face, it’s quite obvious you’ve just been punched in the face.”

Coach looked like he was having an internal debate before he sighed and shook his head.

“You two boys both have detention, separately obviously. I am not a hundred percent sure of what happened but you were both involved and fighting is not acceptable under any circumstances in this school,” Coach declared. “Report to room 46 tomorrow at lunch for Brandon and after school for Cole.”

“But sir, why can’t I have it during lunch break?” I asked. It wasn’t like I did anything during that time anyway.

“Because Brandon has football practise then. But that’s enough, I want you kids to all go home now, okay?” Coach gave us a warning look before turning and leaving.

Brandon turned around and glared at me, daggers in his eyes. “You better watch out Jackson. You and that little bitch,” he indicated Scarlett “made a real mistake today.”

Scarlett flinched and I stepped closer to her. “Just leave,” I sighed and with one last withering stare, he left.

I turned to Scarlett. “You okay?” I asked.

She nodded. “Come on then, I’ll drive you home,” she offered.

“No, that’s oka-” I began but she cut me off.

“I insist. It’s the least I can do.”

“Okay then,” I followed her into her car and she drove me back to my house, asking an occasional direction here and there but other than that, we were shrouded in silence.

When we finally reached, she stopped the car and was looking straight ahead, not meeting my eyes.

I sighed. “Bye then.”

She blinked but still didn’t look at me. “Bye.”


A / N : okay, so thoughts people??? gimme your opinion on what happened!! oh and happy new year everyone and i hope 2015 is a brilliant year for you all :) thank you all for the support you have given me this year and being on wattpad is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me! anyway don’t forget to vote and comment and mayyybeee even fannnn!!!! byee friends <3

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