"You are just acting like a grandma now!" Seth chuckled, backing away ever so slightly. Only then, did Penny's attention once again focus on Jude, sending a curious look towards him. 

"And the gentleman is...?" she questioned softly, and before Seth could've answered, Jude let a confident smirk spread across his face, and stepped closer hooking his hand around Seth's waist casually. 

"His boyfriend, Jude, I'm so glad to meet you, Seth told me a lot about you" he explained, suppressing his sinister grin as he heard his match choke on air, and tense under his fingers, his face becoming all flustered. 

Penny looked at them with a little bit of shock for a while, before returning the cheeky smirk, and shaking her head with fake disapproval. 

"Oh, how sweet. Seth Darling, you should've introduced him yourself!" her tender scolding seemed to relax the boy, despite Jude not letting go of him, and not even planning to. Now he had a great excuse to hold Seth's hand the entire time they were here and annoy him with small couple-things, like calling him honey and being overly affectionate... He knew that kindness and love were so alien to Seth, that he usually had a brain-freeze whenever Jude just gave him a more adoring look, and as tragic as that was, it urged him to do it more often. 

"How come you've returned?" Penny asked, leading both of them inside the small, but way too clean and white room.

Jude felt unnerved, smelling all the chemicals, and seeing all this uneccesery, almost glowing white, but kept his expression reserved not wanting to be rude. He had no problem with Penny after all, but this... this place was uncomfortable, to say the least. 

"I just wanted to show Jude around in my hometown, and couldn't help but drop in here" he heard Seth lying smoothly, sitting own in the bed as if he owned the place.

"What happened with your leg dear? Don't tell me you still get in fights?" Penny's eyes were now drawn to the cane with the silver handle, examining the piece for a few seconds. Seth smiled gently, which was an odd sight on the boy, but maybe just for Jude. 

"Dancing accident. I'll be fine, the cane is mostly for the athletics."

"Oh, I see... And tell me, dear, have you gone ho-"

"No" Seth's sharp voice made Jude glance towards him, but he didn't seem to be angry, just a little tense. Penny's expression dropped ever so slightly, and she offered a sad smile, before turning away and looking for something to give the guests, which wasn't easy in the given room. 

"You still are the same, aren't you? It's insane how time passes by." 

"People don't change" Seth agreed nonchalantly. 

Jude noticed that Seth sunk deeper into his thoughts, so he decided to come and save the day, taking on the conversation with Penny.

He paced around the room, observing his surroundings, and the child-drawings that were put up on the walls as decorations. The paper seemed old, some even crumpled. 

"Are these Seth's?" he prompted, leading his eyes through the amateur, but talented sketches for a child. Some were flowers, some the other children, but most objects were things most people wouldn't think to draw: Laid down pencils, fallen leaves, sharpeners, and chalks, probably whatever the boy could look at for enough time during classes. 

A tender, warm feeling swept across Jude, watching the creations of Seth... He felt so close to him here, closer than the boy had ever let him before... He didn't fancy children all that much, but he wondered what it would be like to meet Seth when he was still very young... Probably not very different from now, maybe a little more innocent. 

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