Forced Laughs (Mina)

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(Mina POV)
Today was not starting great. I witnessed two upperclassmen bullying a Gen Ed. Student. I tried to stop them but the bell rang and I didn't want to be expelled so I ran to class. And there Bakuhoe was yelling at Sharks for staring at him. The ceiling was exploded and that same Gen Ed. Student fell from it. I think his name is Shinsou? He used his quirk on Bakugou and made him sit on Kiri's lap, I laughed when Aizawa Sensei hit his head on the bored from annoyance, the Purplette disappeared. Aizawa said something about Shinsou being his son, 'I didn't even think that Shinsou was a person, let alone my teacher's son.' I thought but decided not to say anything. After Sensei left we heard him yell something about, 'No loud blondes' and I couldn't help but laugh at how true it was. 'I ship it' I thought.

*Time Skip*
I managed to rope everyone into spying into them, 'This will be so fun' I thought we listened in and snickered at parts, but a lot of the laughs were forced because I couldn't help but think how badly Shinsou was being treated earlier. We were soon caught and Bakuhoe and Kiri jumped out the window, "Have fun sorting out your feelings!" I yelled with fake enthusiasm. 'I can only wonder what they'll be doing.' I thought as we made our way back to the dorms after Kami said something about this all being normal. 'It definitely wasn't normal for me, and I'm hoping that it wasn't normal for Shinsou either.' I thought again and crashed at my dorm.

Mei and I will be making this story together from now on!
Catch ya on the Flip Side!

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