Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~ Still  The Hogwarts Train.. ~

Death... death hadn't quite claimed Lillian Stewart, oh sorry, Lillian Snape. It hadn't quite claimed her... yet.

Yes, she had concretely thought that she was dying or was already dead, but she wasn't and she didn't.

Her eyes opened up to gloomy figures, poking her with their fingers. She looked like she was some fish flapping on the sand towards the water.

"Move out the way!" A strong voice demanded.

Lillian felt shaky. Like really shaky!

When she tried to push herself up, her body felt like lead and it was weighing her down. She fell back to the ground with a painful thud.

"Here, eat this. It helps, trust me!" a voice more or less yelled down at Lillian.

Lillian just wanted to sit up, not lay across the floor in the spread eagle position...

"Can... someone... help me?" her quiet voice asked.

"Sure!" it was the same voice as before, the one who offered her something to eat.

His hands clutched at Lillian, and with a firm grip, he picked her up.

"Where was she sitting?" his voice asked somebody.

"In there." another voice replied.

"There you go, that's it."

Lillian sighed dramatically. Oh how she needed this seat!

"Now, eat this." his voice repeated. Lillian looked up at him. He was an exceptionally tired looking man, with scars across his face. He had light strawberry/sort of dark blonde hair, and his eyes were wary and always on alert. "Like I said, it really does help."

"W-what happened?" her voice whispered, while she took the bar of chocolate from him and instantly began to nibble at it?

"Dementors. I had to deal with one two doors down. You'll be ok from now, if you keep eating that chocolate. I best be off though, I've got to have a word with the driver. We'll be arriving at Hogwarts soon." the man stood up and departed out from the compartment, leaving some chocolate behind also?

What seemed like a fraction of a second later, Draco Malfoy harshly pushed by the probing students aside, entered and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Not dead then?" he laughed.

Lillian barely smiled. "No, not dead."

She looked around and saw that Leo Forest, the other boy in Slytherin, was lying outstretched on the seats across from her.

"Is he ok?"

"I dunno!" Draco barked.

With a quick motion he hastened over to the boy. And with another quick motion he slapped the boys cheeks. "Wake up!" Draco hissed.

A grunt later, Leo got up and stared about. His face was too white, thought Lillian, whiter than Draco's. He almost looked dead... but then I suppose that's how I look, she thought.

"Descendo, Leo! What on bloody hell did you use that spell for? Did you think you could have shrunk the Dementor and then kicked it off the train? Fool!"

"I panicked. I didn't see you do anything." Leo quietly responded, grimacing at Draco.

Draco, mocking the expression Leo pulled when he 'fainted', said, "Supposedly you pulled the same face as Potter. He got attacked by one too. Serves him bloody right as well." he chortled, thrashing Leo's legs away so he could sit down.

The train started moving again. Both boys looked at Lillian's scowling face.

"Here," Lillian gently tossed Leo some of the chocolate the man gave her. "It really does help." and with that, she turned her back to them and closed her eyes...

...she had never been so scared in her entire life!


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