The Chase

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"I wonder what's taking those guys so long," Sylvia said with a huff. "I thought Hater wanted to destroy us."

"Maybe he's had a change of heart?" Wander proposed in a hopeful manner.

"I'm, uh, not too sure about that, buddy."

"You're probably right to think that," Wander said, "but I keep believing that there's always a chance. I just know. Deep down in my gutty works I know it could happen! With time and care, I'm sure that Hater will be able to see the good in being good."

"Always looking on the bright side," Sylvia smiled. "Promise me you won't ever change."

"Sure thing, Syl!" Wander laughed.

"Actually," you interjected, "I think they might have been summoned to hear about another big invasion plan to be carried out. It's something Pete and Barry were discussing earlier this week, and it might actually be happening today."

"Typical," Sylvia said with a frown. "Always on about conquering the universe, galaxy, whatever it is. They just won't quit."

"Poor guys,'' Wander said. "They work so hard. Maybe a little too hard, don't cha think? Since Hater, Peepers, and the watchdogs all work tirelessly to not only capture and destroy us, but also conquer this galaxy, I'd say they're most definitely in need of rest and recuperation. Or, maybe a bit of...recreational activity!"

"Like what?" you asked.

"How about we play a game?" Wander asked, twinkling at his two friends. "It would be a great way to get the guys away from work for a little while. Oh, we could play a game of tag!"

Sylvia quirked an eyebrow. "Just like the game you played with Hater last season...of our lives?"

"Yeah!" Wander bobbed his head. "This time (Name) can play with us!"

"You up for a game of tag, buddy?" Sylvia nudged you good-naturedly.

"Always!" you laughed.

"1, 2, 3, NOT IT!" Wander shouted all of a sudden.

"Not it," Sylvia said not even a second after Wander, leaving you to only process what happened a few seconds later.

You rolled your eyes, trying but failing to appear annoyed. "Alright, I'll be it."

With that being said, all three of you grinned simultaneously, yours showing quite a bit more deviousness than the others.

"And that means you guys had better run..."


The auditorium was packed, to say the least. Just about every watchdog on the ship was present for the rally, save for a few stragglers and one rebellious private who was presumed dead for a while now. Each one stared ahead toward their skeletal leader in not only respect but also awe.

Said skeletal leader was currently giving probably the greatest speech ever made. Strike that, reverse it. It was so totally the greatest speech in the galaxy, hands down. At least it was, according to Lord Hater.

"You all remember how it was just a week ago, when we were temporarily bested by Awesome and his lame army of mitts," Hater announced. "You all may have thought I was a terrible leader, but the truth is...we failed. Yes, we failed. But that failure was infinitesimal compared to what ignominy, humiliation, and pure mortification Emperor Awesome felt as we took out our sweet, oh so sweet revenge. He, who so foolishly believed that he could challenge the Duke of Destruction, the Monarch of Mayhem, the GREATEST IN THE GALAXY, suffered a fate like no other. Well, probably not as bad as Wander and Sylvia's fate will be, but it was still pretty bad. You know who made all of this possible?"

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