The Invasion

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The following day, you stirred in the darkness of your cell. You imagined a sun rising from afar, in place of the row of cells lined up parallel to your own, though it could have been any time from early in the morning to sometime in the afternoon.

You stretched your limbs, hearing small cracking sounds from the strange sleeping position you took to using the night prior.

After the morning fogginess cleared itself in your head, Peepers came to mind along with the events surrounding the time spent with him.

At first, the prospect of spending time with the commander made you sick to the stomach. But, as you began to spend more and more of your days in his presence, the sick feeling ebbed somewhat. Admittedly, the possibility of the phenomenon occuring had to do, partially, with your "torture methods", which were fun in the sense that for the longest time you carried a constant disgust for villiany.

However, as you continued to observe Peepers and his ways, you found there might be somewhat of a different person peeking out from behind the strict, commanding wall he built for himself. From your perspective, it seemed he did this in order to block a caring personality from coming through that would undoubtedly interfere with his work. All the same, your confidence was growing in the belief that your theory was true.


Your ears perked up as the familiar sound of the doors opening reached them. You peered out of your cell to find Pete and Barry marching toward where you were standing.

"Hey guys," you chirped. "What's new?"

"The invasion, actually," Pete responded with excitement evident in his voice and the way his feet rocked back and forth in anticipation. "It's the first one we've planned for in a long time."

"Yeah," Barry nodded his head with a sparkle in his eye. "It's a pretty big thing."

"Wowie," you said with a gleam of your own within the depths of your pupil. "Do you think I could watch? It sounds a lot more exciting than, well, you know."

"Uhh, I don't know," Pete replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You're a prisoner, of course, and we aren't assigned to bring you anywhere at the moment."

"Not to mention Commander Peepers has to grant us permission to take you anywhere, and he's busy," Barry chimed in.

"Oh yeah, real busy."

"The poor guy," you lamented. "He must have a lot on his plate. I wouldn't want to cause any more problems than he already has. What, with his frazzled mind and all, I couldn't dream of partaking in my normal mischievous ways."

"That may be true, but with you in here he has less to worry about," Pete pointed out.

"You're probably right," you shrugged. "But doesn't the commander trust you two?"

The two watchdogs widened their eyes in surprise. "What?"

"Doesn't Peepers trust you?" you repeated. "If he does, then he shouldn't have a problem with you guys supervising me."

They contemplated what you said for a few seconds.

"I don't see why he wouldn't trust us to take you with us," Pete put a hand to his chin. "So I'd guess it wouldn't hurt to let you out. Sure, why not?"

Barry then opened your cell, and a wide grin spread across your face.


You followed Pete and Barry into the main hangar of the Skullship, where rows upon rows of watchdogs were stationed. They were gazing up to something on the upper level. As you followed their gaze, you caught a glimpse of Lord Hater and Commander Peepers, who were giving them final instructions for the invasion.

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