The Torture Room

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happy halloween to everyone who celebrates!🎃

One thing you learned about the commander right away was that he screamed. Alot.

He screamed when he was frustrated, when he was angry, when he was happy, and basically any time he felt an emotion.

He mainly screamed whenever you were in his presence. Angry and frustrated screaming to be exact.

You got to experience this side of Peepers (if there is any other side to him at all) when being rudely awakened by his loud screaming for you to get up.

"Your imitation of an alarm clark is pretty good," you muttered in a slightly hoarse and irritable tone, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

"Lord Hater doesn't like to he kept waiting, so get moving and follow my orders," he commanded, ignoring your comment.

With the aid of the wall you managed to stand on your own two feet, being yanked from the square space immediately afterwards.

After an awkward and quiet moment in the elevator with the stone-faced commander, you followed Peepers out into a wide hallway past countless doors. You found it a bit challenging because for his size he was quick on his feet. There was a certain nervousness in his steps that you observed, and you concluded that he was probably a few minutes late bringing you to...wherever he was escorting you to.

You were about to question this when he abruptly turned from the path the two of you were taking previously and opened a door, which revealed an enormous space that you took a few seconds to gaze upon.

Darkness enveloped the space, but not entirely due to the light spilling in from the open door and from the large expanse of boiling water which was yellow-orange in color. Various weapons, cages, and other means of torture could be seen either hanging ominously from the ceiling or on a place somewhere along the sides of the room.

"How scary," you commented, continuing to let your gaze sweep the room.

"This is Hater's Torture Room," Peepers waved a hand towards the space. "Feel free to say hello."

"Hi, how are you doing?" you greeted flatly.

The Torture Room did not respond.

"Scared, prisoner of mine?" Lord Hater appeared all of a sudden from the darkness. "Well, you should be! It all ends here, where you will give me the secret passcode so I can finally get my hands on those weapons. And I, Lord Hater, will conquer every single planet left in this pathetic galaxy to become THE GREATEST IN THE GALAXY!!"

You stared at the skeleton man in silence. Nervous to what kinds of torture the two would come up with for you in particular, a plan of sorts began to craft itself in your head.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

He walked in a random direction from where you were standing, so you had no choice but to follow. Commander Peepers was right on your heels, his obnoxious presence displaying itself as something that had not the slightest idea what personal space was.

Hater picked up a certain weapon with care as if it were his baby. His jaw curved into a grin as he turned towards you who, for obvious reasons, was shivering a bit in nervousness.

"Impressive, isn't it?" he ran his gloved had over the axe, then gestured it over to the many others that lined the walls.

Despite your anxiety, you somehow summoned enough courage to respond with, "Do you want an honest answer?"

Hater's face fell and his green eyes widened in surprise. It was quite the unexpected answer from someone who was about to be tortured. "Uh, what other answer would there be?"

The Deal (Commander Peepers x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt