The Bad Reminder

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"And then, we hopped onto Hater's ship and escaped," you said, retelling last week's events to the travelling pair, Wander and Sylvia, who had yet to be updated on the news. "All of us. Then Awesome's ship exploded like a really big firework."

"I wish I could have been there to see the look on Awesome's face," Sylvia laughed, cracking up at the image of the limousine exploding that created itself in her mind, "you know, when he saw you set off the self destruct sequence. Hilarious!"

"I wish I could have been there for the party!" Wander said with eyes twinkling. "It sounded like so much fun!"

"But Wander," Sylvia said with a smirk. "Need I remind you that you've already been to three different kiddos' birthday parties, which were all the top priorities of each day?"

"Oh yeah!" Wander giggled. "A lotta parties, come to think of it. We saved you some cake from the last party we came from, (Name). Just for you!"

Wander pulled a box out of his floppy green hat, which contained the sugary sweet goodness he and his steed had smuggled from the dessert table (with permission to do so beforehand, of course), and he handed it to you with a wide grin.

"Aw, you shouldn't have," you said, opening the container as your smile grew wider. "And it's a (favorite cake flavor) cake? I don't know how to thank you guys other than saying, well, thanks!"

"Don't mention it," Sylvia replied with a grin.

"Anything for a sweet gal like yourself," Wander added, smiling from nonexistent ear to nonexistent ear.

You flushed at the orange alien's flattering comment as you located the plastic fork and knife inside the box before tasting the fluffy contents of the container, laying on the metal ground before your eyes. As expected, the cake was heavenly.

"Do you love it?" Wander questioned, looking like he would almost burst with the same amount of excitement as a young, blissfully ignorant child.

"This," you started, pointing at the layered dessert, "is the best thing I've ever put in my mouth!"

Wander proceeded to squeal, wrapping his arms around your figure all of a sudden. The warmth of his hug was enough to cure about twenty people diagnosed with hypothermia, maybe even more.

"Bet you didn't get to have anything like this on Awesome's ship, eh (Name)?" Sylvia asked not only as a joke, but also as an act of sympathy for having to put up with Emperor Awesome's antics.

"Nope," you said after swallowing another bite. "Come to think of it, I hadn't eaten anything on his ship during the six hour period. Those were some of the longest hours of my life, and that's saying something!"

"SIX HOURS?!" Sylvia exclaimed incredulously. "You, my friend, are a trooper."

"Thanks," you said, a bit flustered at the amount of attention you were being showered with in the moment. These were some of the strangest, yet supportive, pair of friends you had met in your life. You could have stayed like this forever, except for the glaring fact that you were still a prisoner and forced to remain a prisoner for who knows how long. Yet, people like Wander and Sylvia gave you hope that there were still reasons to be happy even while being locked up against your will.

"Heh, all I can say is, at least it wasn't Lord Dominator ya had to deal with," Sylvia said.

You froze, almost choking on the half-chewed piece of cake making its way down your esophagus. You swallowed it with a grimace, noticing how your mouth had become very dry all of a sudden. Just the simple utterance of that name brought you right back to the certain ugly time anyone would wish to forget.

The Deal (Commander Peepers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora