Chapter Thirteen

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I was at work but my head was not. I have been trying to get inside info about Nodwengu but what I got was just too little to make out anything.

I saw the afternoon staff heading in as I cleaned the tables. Mondays are usually very refreshing. People are always rushing somewhere so they just come and go.

They greeted me and walked to the back. I hummed a song as cleaned the last one. I startled when someone slid into a chair before me.
Me: Jesus Christ!
She laughed.
Ade: Bra you should go get rid of inyoni.
Me: Not now Adelaide please.
Ade: I just got your text.
Me: You got it at the right time. Wait here, I'll go get my bag.

I went to take my bag and came back.
Me: Let's go.
Ade: You know I was really surprised to see a text from you.
Me: What's surprising?
Ade: A text from you.
Me: I've texted you before.
Ade: Kabelo was shot. We didn't need to "talk"
Me: Yeah today we do. Is that your car?
Ade: No its my mom's. Mine broke down.

We hopped in.
Me: Drive somewhere quiet.
Ade: What's up with you and noise?
Me: It makes me lose my mind.
Ade: Is it a disorder?
Me: Yes. So does people who talk non stop.

She zipped her lips. I turned down the radio volume.

Her phone rang. She spoke until we got to a sports ground. There was no one. It was beautifully quiet. She finally hung up.

I got off and leaned agaisnt the car. She came.
Me: Can I trust you?
Ade: Can you trust me?
Me: Yes Adelaide. Can I trust you?
Ade: If you like.
Me: Can you be trusted?
Ade: Do we have to bury a body?
Me: No but we have to get money.
Ade: Where?
Me: I can't disclose anything before you tell me if I can trust you.
Ade: Ofcourse you can.
Me: I'm talking 15 million, from a multi billion rand company. All I need is someone I can pull this off with.
Ade: That's-

She gulped.
Me: Intense? I know. Are you in?
Ade: I-I don't know. I mean Ndaba is arrested because of stealing, what if you get caught?
Me: We're women. We're innocent.
Ade: What do you mean?
Me: I mean we are not suspects. We'll do it smoothly. First I have to know who is in charge of the money, I'll have to work my black girl magic to get him and get the code or whatever they use to open where the money is kept.
Ade: That sounds dangerous. They must have very tight security.
Me: The aim is to go through that security smoothly. That's why we aren't going to burn it down but know all about their security.
Ade: My hairs are standing.
Me: We can pull this off.
Ade: How?
Me: Stop being a chicken. Are we gonna do this or not?
Ade: I want to help you but I'm scared.
Me: Uhhh Ade. I thought you were tough.
Ade: I'm definitely not tough. Why won't you ask Buhle, Zinhle or Naomi?
Me: I can't! They are- I can't trust them. Naomi is who I trust but she can't do it.
Ade: What if we get caught?
Me: I'll take the fall.
Ade: Where do we begin?
Me: Finding who's in charge.
Ade: Ok. Let's take our CVs there tomorrow.
Me: I'm working tomorrow.
Ade: I'll take it. You'll instruct me on what to do.
Me: That's more like it. Wanna grab a drink?
Ade: Ice cold one.
Me: This stays between us. KB can not know, at least not now.
Ade: My lips are sealed.

We got in the car and drove off...


I love dealing with these cheating cases but the sobbing and the pain that those women go through when I confirm their suspicions.

But amongst all the women I had to report back to. The one that just left really broke my heart. No woman should be pregnant and cheated on. Being neglected at times like these can really mess one up.

I collected all my things and packed them on my case. Khulubuse came in pulling his huge ass briefcase that I've never truly understood.
Khulubuse: Is that your briefcase you're packing?
Me: Yes.
Khulubuse: Is Kamila not home?
I chuckled.
Me: Yes.
Khulubuse: That gives you time to search for your Cinderella.
Me: I'm not gonna search for her.
Khulubuse: You don't wanna find her.
Me: I do.
Khulubuse: Then why haven't you found her? Maybe you'll get strength to leave Kamila.
Me: If we're meant to find each other we will. Fate.
Khulubuse: You'll die waiting.
Me: Just watch the space.

We walked out.
Me: Please cancel my morning meetings.
Luna: I've already confirmed them.
Me: Tell them I have a terrible stomach bug.
Khulubuse: Where are you gonna be?
Me: Swimming.
Khulubuse: Wow. Bye Luna.
Luna: Bye sir.

We headed out to the parking lot.
Khulubuse: Don't you want me to come over and suck your dick or something?
Me: What? Dude fuck you.

He laughed.
Khulubuse: I love you.
Me: You asshole.
He ducked when I tried to punch his shoulder.
Khulubuse: You need to stop drooling over our employees.
Me: I was just looking. What's so wrong about that?
Khulubuse: They will be on the news saying yoh sexualize them. You know how these little kids get.
Me: Hhaisuka.

I got in my car and threw the case at the back. I horned as I drove away.

The feeling of coming to an empty house excited me. That's how fed up I am of Kamila and her son. And since I met that woman, its been hard to even look at her. My mind has been stuck on the woman I'd probably never meet again. I wish I took her car registration, but could I have, the rain wasn't so generous.

The smell of roses crowded my nostrils. I reached for the switch. God please not now.
She was laying down on the floor amongst roses and candles, wearing only a lingerie.
Me: Really? What are you still doing here?
Her face dropped. She got up and took her silky gown and put it on.
Kamila: I'm trying Zwe.
Me: Stop.
Kamila: I took him to my mother's house. You'll never see him again.
Me: That doesn't ease the betrayal.

I put the briefcase on the chair and walked to the door.
Kamila: Zwe!

I got in my car.
Kamila: Baby please. I really don't know what else to do. I love you.
Me: I had planned to be alone tonight.

I reversed out. What she did is unforgivable. Making me believe I was gonna be the father only for that child to be born white, for 2 years now I've been waking up to see the results of betrayal each and every day. I can't stand it anymore...



I turned my head to look at him.
Warden: You have a visitor.
Me: So early in the morning?
Warden: She looks desperate to see you. I'm making her an exception because she's my cousin.
Me: Who is she?
Warden: Lebo. Come.

She appeared and waved a little.
Me: Hi.
Lebo: Hey.
Warden: 10 minutes. I still wanna keep this job.
Lebo: Thank you.

He walked away.
Lebo: I need money
Me: Where do you want it? I'm arrested.
Lebo: The baby needs food and diapers Ndaba.
Me: You've used all the money in your cards?
Lebo: I'm keeping it for rent.
Me: I'll speak to Bianca.
Lebo: I have something to tell you.
Me: What?
Lebo: Not today.
Me: I'll try to get someone to send you money. I just don't know when.
Lebo: Thanks.

He hugged her bag closer and walked away. I went back to my bed. I faced up and let my mind wander.


I kept my phone in hand to instruct Adelaide. I was anxious. I kept going to the toilet to check if she's texted.

I serve the 3 tables that were waiting and headed to the restrooms. My phone rang right after I closed the door.

I pulled it out of my breasts. This better be her.
Me: Hey.
Caller: I can help you.
Me: Who are you?
Caller: It doesn't matter who am I. I can help you.
Me: With what?
Caller: Your fees. I need a young vibrant lady to pleasure me and I'll pay her good money.
Me: eww fuck you.

I hung up. What the fuck Damon!

I heard a knock.
Me: occupied.
"Its me Lebo"
Me: What do you want!
Lebo: I want money Bianca
Me: I do not have it!
Lebo: Will you have it when I tell Ndaba you're the reason he's behind bars?
Me: Girl please.
Lebo: I have proof.

I opened the door.
Me: You wanna try me?
Lebo: Give me money or else I will use this information.

I pushed her up to the hand basins. I strangled her, pushing her down. I watched het struggle to breathe.
Me: Dare try me Lebo. I dare you.

I let go of her. She fell down.
Me: If you keep showing your face, next time I won't be so generous. Ungangijwayeli amasimba.

I kicked her and walked out. Leaving her gasping for air...

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