Chapter Ten

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Trust Kabelo to be melodramatic. Adelaide had to drug him with morphine. The whining and grunting was getting annoying for us. We were at my place. We fetched him and drove here.

It was 6am in the morning and my body yearned for some sleep. I yawned.
Me: Hhai no I wanna sleep.
Ade: You can go. I'll watch over him.

I nodded and got up.
Me: Do you need another blanket?
Ade: No this is fine.
Me: If I'm not up by 8 please wake me up.
Ade: Will do.

I took my laptop and headed to my bedroom. She called my name. I turned.
Ade: You're a good person.
I chuckled.
Me: Kinda.
Ade: Thank you.
Me: Its only a pleasure.

She nodded. I proceeded into my room. I stripped naked and got in bed.

When we arrived at Zebra park there were police. We risked our freedom and went to get him without getting noticed. Had he never been who he was to me I wouldn't have bothered but he's been good to me. I owed him this much...

"Bianca! Hey! Wait!"

I took off my earphones and waited for her. She caught her breath, drama.
Melody: Hi. I haven't seen you in a while.
Me: You must have been not here in a while cause I've been at my most present the past days.
Melody: Is it?
Me: Yeah.
Melody: How was the paper?
We motioned towards the exit.
Me: Not easy but fair.
Melody: What score are we talking about?
Me: 50%.
Melody: Ohhh. Smart girl. Look, my sister wants to do this long distance thing as you but the dean isn't having it. He says they do not offer that here.
Me: Who said I'm doing long distance learning.
Melody: What explains your absence?
Me: I've been sick.
Melody: For 3 years?
Me: Yes.
Melody: That's-

I stopped her as my phone rang. I answered.
Me: Hi.
Damon: Have you left?
Me: Heading towards the gate.
Damon: We need to talk.
Me: Uhm...
I looked at Melody. Why is she still here? I turned and walked back
Melody: We're still talking!

I hung up and increased my pace just incase she follows me.

I got to Damon's office and waited outside until his pa called me in. .
Me: Good day.
Damon: Hi Bianca.
He wasn't even paying attention. He was glued to this pc screen.
Me: Can I sit?
Then he raised his eyes.
Damon: Yes please do.
I did.
Damon: I'm looking at your fees. Are you gonna be able to cover them up in 6 weeks?
Me: I'll make a plan.
Damon: What plan? You left your husband. You're a waiter, you hardly earn more than R5000 how are you gonna pay R36 000?
Me: I will find a way Damon.
Damon: You better because you will not get your degree if you don't. I can't do anything more of what I've done for you.
Me: I know that.

And by that he means: He can not take anymore of my excuses because I promised him my final year will be different but I failed to keep my promise. Only 2 weeks ago I started attending my lectures frequently.

He stuck his pen into his mouth.
Damon: I believe in you. Get that money and we're out of each other's hair.
Me: I will get it. Will that be all?
Damon: Yes. How was your exam?
Me: It was great.

I got up and bid him goodbye. I tried to fight back the tears as I headed to the bus stop. I haven't been paying for the last 4 months plus the money I owe from the previous year. Ndaba got suspicious of where that R6000 went every month and kind of tried to trace my transactions. He didn't get nothing. I paid extra money than I should to bribe for my online attendance.

I thought I had it under control. I thought I'd be able to pay it in a sum but now, I do not see how I'm gonna be able to even pay a thousand rand. The money I will make at the restaurant can only pay my rent and get me groceries. My savings are almost finished.

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