Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning and got busy on my laptop until I felt hungry. I put on my robe, took my phone and walked down to the kitchen. There was no one, just what I needed. I boiled water and warmed my milk. I opened the cabinet to take out the cereal. Adelaide knows nothing about refill. I refill all 3 of the cereal containers and threw away the boxes.

I made tea and instant porridge and then sat down to eat. My phone rang. I battled if I should take it or not. I answered.
Me: Hi.
Naomi: Hey. How are you today?
Me: I'm okay how are you?
Naomi: I'm fine thanks.
Naomi: I'm sorry about last night. I was out of line. I didn't mean to meddle into your marriage.
Me: It's okay.

I hung up and continued eating. I really do not like what she did. She crossed the line. We do not get into each other's marital problems and that is strict. She could've texted me atleast not budge in here and say all that she said while Adelaide was somewhere nearby hearing all that. I heard their voices. They were from the shops. They greeted and placed the plastics on top of the counter.
Ade: Finally you're awake.
Me: Been up since 6am
Ade: Oh. I thought you were still asleep.
Kabelo: We are out of food so I thought we should go get some. I hope you don't mind.
Me: I don't. Is that Vee viennas?
He wiggled and took them out.
Kabelo: I went crazy when I saw them.
I snatched them out of his hands. Its really them!
Me: Noway.
Kabelo: I know right
Ade: Come on its just a pack of veinnas.
Me: No its not.
Kabelo: Thank you B. She called me childish when I  became emotional at the shop.
I laughed.
Ade: Like seriously? Who gets emotional over viennas.
Kabelo: Me. Do you know how our lives changed after these stopped selling?
Me: Don't mention it. I miss those days. Nothing bothered us, we were happy.
Ade: Why are speaking like you're dead?
Me: If it was those days, we wouldn't be here.

I rinsed my dishes and took out 3 viennas and went upstairs to bath...


Adelaide looked at Kabelo. He ignored the look and started packing the things they bought.
Ade: Am I still seeing things?
Kabelo: She's not talkative okay?
Ade: Women are relative around other women.
Kabelo: But she does talk to you.
Ade: For 3 seconds? Bianca speaks maybe twice a day. Y'all preach about how much you care about her but none of you is bothered by how she is, this isn't the real her!
Kabelo: Can you please keep your voice down? And make us some breakfast, leave people's businesses?
Ade: What she said to Naomi was abnormal. Women do not say that when they are told such things.
Kabelo thumps the counter. Adelaide jumped.
Kabelo: Go pack your things. I'm taking you back to your place.
Ade: What?
Kabelo: You can't keep your mouth shut. You can't stay in this house if you don't know when to shut the hell up!
Ade: Fine!

She swayed her huge hips away. Kabelo took a deep breath and bit his lower lip in frustration...


When I came out of the bathroom I found Ndaba sleeping on the bed. This is a first. He never comes home during week 3. Ever.

I walked around and did everything carefully  so that I do not wake him.

His phone rang, waking him up right after I finished dressing up. He answered, I took myself to the bathroom to collect my towels. I took them to the laundry room and came back .
Ndaba: Hey.
Me: Hi. Didn't expect to see you here.
Ndaba: Yeah. They gave me this day to spend with you.
Me: Why? Are they not strict anymore?
Ndaba: They are but I had to come cause the work has tripled and I have to be there full time and come home maybe once or twice a week.
Me: You kidding right?
He sighed.
Ndaba: I wish I was.

I took my laptop and went to sit on my desk. He came to me and massaged my shoulders.
Ndaba: I'm sorry but we need the money. I need to pay Mango.
Me: Do what you have to do.
Ndaba: B
Me: I mean it. Do what you have to do. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. We need the money you just said.
Ndaba: Thank you for understanding.
He kissed my cheek and went back to the bed, he took off his clothes this time. I hate to deal with such things. I really wish my life was different...

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