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I opened the shower door and sighed in relief. He came to collect his kiss and then went to brush his teeth over the basin.
Ndaba: You seem relieved that its me. Are you okay?
Me: I thought you were Tebogo. He-
I stopped when I realized what I'm doing, its too late. He was already looking at me with a frown.
Ndaba: What did he do?
Me: It was a mistake. I'm sure he had no idea I was in here bathing.
Ndaba: He walked on you bathing?
I regret opening my mouth. I turned the shower off and pulled the towel and stepped out.
Me: Its not much of a deal babe. He apologized.
I bribed him with a kiss.
Ndaba: No it is. What was he doing in our bedroom in the first place? Let alone getting into our shower.

I absolutely have no idea. He never comes in here unless Ndaba summons him. What was he really doing here?
Me: He said he was looking for you.
I lie.

He looked at me with a frown for quite some time and turned away to continue brushing his teeth. I took my phone and walked out.

I texted Lacy, confirming our brunch and get down to business of getting ready. Ndaba came out after a while as I sat down to do my make up.
Me: I'm going to have brunch with Lacy. We have little something to discuss.
Ndaba: That's great.
He doesn't like her that much. She's everything that men hate: unapologetically a feminist.
Me: Her business is actually good for cleaning money.
Ndaba: I'm not going to do business with that woman.
Me: I will be the one doing business with her.
Ndaba: No.
Me: Babe.
He came to stand behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I put the blush down and looked at his reflection on the mirror.
Ndaba: Its not safe. We need to do business with people we can trust. People who wouldn't throw us under the bus when dark clouds hang over us.
He kissed my cheek and walked away to the closet.

I looked at myself for a while and sighed. He never let me do anything. He opposes every idea of me trying to get something to keep myself busy with. I checked the time.
Me: I'm gonna go make Breakfast. You'll find me downstairs.
Ndaba: Ok.

I left the room.

I dished up for the both of us when I finished.

I heard laughter coming from the front and then the door opened, the rascals come in running.
Lethu: I swear to God I'm never driving you guys ever again.

Hallelujah. Can't a person be informed about the arrival of these kids? Its not even our turn to have them! Jesus I swear...

I startled as I felt a touch on my waist.
Ndaba: I forgot to mention they are coming today. I'm sorry. Their mothers suddenly have places to go to this weekend so here we are.
He whispered and kissed my cheek. So I don't have somewhere to be? Nice.
Ndaba: Hey! Look at y'all grown. Did you eat breakfast?

He kisses each one of them on the forehead.

These are his kids, 3 from his various girlfriends and the young one from his previous marriage. Every after 2 weeks they visit our house. Except these past months, they be returning after a week or 4 days.

So every 2 weeks or 1 week I have to deal with undisciplined kids for a week, lose my mind, depend on nerdaburg for sanity until he takes them back to their mothers.
Lethi: Yes. Zoe's mom took us to McD.
Zoe: But I'm not full.

He's never full. I've concluded he eats with some evil spirits. He is 15, 2nd born and very mature for his age. Lethu is the first born, she just turned 18, bitch ass attitude. I might knock her out one of these days. Then there's Luhle, he's 10. And then Zakithi, cutest little thing but trouble, she's 7 and never knows when to stop talking.

I served them the best smile I could have. I don't want my husband's kids going back to their mothers complaining about how much I never smile upon their unexpected arrival.
Me: Well there's enough breakfast here. Everyone can get a plate.

They cheered. I wish this was the last day of them being here. I can not deal with their noise really.
Me: But first; take your bags to your rooms.

They ran after one another. I sighed and dished up for them. This is gonna be a long weekend.
Ndaba: Let me get going. I will see you guys later.
Me: Please drive straight home after work. I have self-defence classes at 4.
Ndaba: Lethu will look after the kids.
Lethu: Uhm no daddy I can't I'm meeting up with my friends later. Why can't you  just get us a baby sitter for when we come?
Me: A baby sitter?
Lethu: Yes. Its not like it'll come from your pocket, daddy will pay.
Me: Because you always pop out of nowhere like mushrooms! 

Who wanna work where there is no order anyway? Aisuka.
Ndaba: Babe
Me: No
Lethu: I wish mom listened when I told her I don't wanna come here!

She groaned and got off the chair. Ndaba grabbed her before she storms out. There's volcano inside me, if I open my mouth right now only fire will come out. I can't stand this child and her attitude. I just can't!
Ndaba: Lethu! Dammit marn. Apologize to your mother.
She sighed rolling her eyes.
Lethu: Sorry Bianca.

She said and took the apple and she's gone. I took a deep breath and drank some water. Seems like I'm gonna need an every day delivery of Nerdaburg this time around.
Ndaba: I'll talk to her. I'm sorry.

I just looked at him blankly. He is worse than his baby mamas. They are all bad parents. How do you raise your kids to not respect their elders?

If I had my own children then maybe tolerating these undisciplined children would be better.

I washed the dishes and cleaned up any possible mess. I went upstairs to change. Now I'm gonna have to take these kids with me to meet Lacy. How unprofessional. This could be my big break, maybe when I actually have something to do with my life these women will stop casting their unruly kids to me at every chance they get.

I settled for suitpants and a blouse and heels. Its too hot for a a blazer. I packed my necessities in my bag and reapplied the lipstick.

Zoe came in running with my phone ringing. I took it and I answered.
Me: Hey boo.
Lacy: We have a problem here. I just almost lost my life.
Me: Oh my God no. What happened? Where are you?
Lacy: Carjacking. I'm at the clinic.
Me: I'm so sorry Lacy. Are you hurt?
Lacy: Not really. Just a few punches that I can handle.
Me: I'm sorry. I'll come see you later.
Lacy: No need. You told him about our meeting, didn't you?
Me: He...I...he wouldn't do that.
Lacy: To me? Trust me he would and he did.
Me: Lacy I know my husband. He wouldn't.
Lacy: He did. You my love is married to a very dangerous man who'd do anything to keep anyone he doesn't like out of your life and he just succeeded in eliminating me. I'm sorry Bianca. I can't risk losing my life by working with you.
Me: Lacy wait..lacy?

She hung up. She hung up on me!

I sent my butt to the bed. I stared into space. When will I ever be able to make something out of myself?

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