Chapter 2 Preparation for the Journey ahead

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Near the coastal town of the South Luna Ocean Bay, a large group of earth pony Royal Guards were escorting a big, wooden cargo wagon, which was carrying two strange and mysterious objects. The escort was led by Princess Celestia and Commander Shining Armor and they were marching towards the South Luna Ocean Naval Base. The base itself was quite big, being an important strategic location as the southern-most naval base in Equestria. It contained a headquarters, a barracks, a small airfield, and two large naval docks for big ships to be either built, repaired, or modified. Anchored near the docks were four ships consisting of two battlecruisers and two heavy cruisers, with their crews of pony sailors hanging around the decks, waiting for orders or announcements. When they spotted Princess Celestia and her escort in the distance, they became very surprised and curious at their sudden arrival, as they had not heard anything about a scheduled visit from the Princess. The higher ups of their respective ships had been given orders to await the Princess's arrival, however due to the secretive nature of their visit, were not told the reason for their arrival. This meant that they were not surprised but were still curious. The group were allowed access into the base and quickly continued towards the docks. As they arrived at the docks, they stopped. Princess Celestia uncovered one of the devices, revealing it to be Crest's Magic Mirror Prototype, and used her magic to lift and place the mirror on the docks, facing the ocean. She ordered Royal Guards to immediately start assembling the parts and plugs together, so that the mirror portal could be completed and set up as quickly as possible. Shining Armor then trotted towards Princess Celestia and bowed.

"Your Highness, may I ask a question? Just what is this mirror portal, and what is it for?" Commander Shining Armour asked.

"It is Imperial Crest's Magic Mirror Prototype. From what I understand, it is able to create a portal to another world" the Princess replied. This made Shining Armour a bit intrigued.

"Crest's device eh? How the hay did he managed to create such a thing?!" He asks Celestia, amazed but still a little confused.

"I do not know exactly how, but according to him he worked on it for quite some time" Princess Celestia replied.

"Wow, that's incredible! Well, it looks like his hard work paid off" Shining Armor said as he examined the Magic Mirror Prototype. "So, Your Majesty, let me get this straight. To prevent the incoming invasion of Equestria, you decided to go along with Crest's unusual plan and have sent him along with your sister on a mission to save his come country from the New Lunar Republic?"

"Yes, indeed I have. I too was surprised at first, but as a teacher of his school I have learnt to put my full trust and faith in him. I'm very proud of his work and what he has managed to achieve so far" Celestia said.

Shining Armor nodded and after thinking for a second, asks her, "Wait, is he too young be on this kind of dangerous mission?"

Celestia nodded. "I understand what you're trying say but I sensed a spark of potential in him and-" Princess Celestia was suddenly interrupted by several Royal Guards as they approached her, bowing as they arrived.

"Sorry to interrupt Your Highness, Crest's Magic Mirror Prototype is ready to go" The Royal Guard informed Celestia.

"Very good, stay back everypony" Celestia warned. Shining Armour and the Royal Guards stepped away from the mirror as she begins to chant the spell to activate the portal. Her horn starts to light up and then suddenly shoots a yellow magic beam towards the mirror, causing the mirror to light up. She then shoots another beam of magic at the mirror, a large magic beam shooting out of it and towards the empty waters of the South Luna Ocean bay. A huge, bright flash then occurs as a huge portal appears on the surface of the water. This left Shining Armour and the Royal Guards stunned and all eyes were now looking at the portal, waiting for something to happen. As they looked through the portal, they could see the ocean of Earth, looking very similar to their own. After waiting a few minutes with nothing happening, a big, dark silhouette of a large ship suddenly appeared in the portal, leaving everypony surprised and intrigued as to what it was. Celestia was the only one that was not surprised, as she knew Crest's plan all along from reading his scroll message and instructions back in Canterlot. The large ship started to enter their side of the portal, revealing it to be the mighty Yamato. As soon as the whole ship exited the huge portal it closed up, causing a big flash which forced everypony to close their eyes from the brightness. As all the ponies opened their eyes, they got their first clear look at the Yamato right in front of them. Many of them became intrigued by the design of the ship, including its pagoda style bridge, its main and secondary armaments, and the bow, which had a golden chrysanthemum emblem at the centre.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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