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Oh dear, you don't tell me a thing
But I know you're trying really hard
To hide behind your beauteous smile
And mirthful demeanor

No one seems to espy your eyes full of pining
and lie
Scarse can notice the beaten and worn out soul abaft the fair smile
Oh dear, I know you're tired
You certainly are.

Your daylight appears to be fine
Everyone sees you the way they think you are
Oh dear, I don't think they really do,
Do they?

Your tears keep on creeping all night
All night long, you're up wondering why
Oh dear, thoughts are filling you up
Close your eyes, dream of something better.

Soltitude and dimmed light seems to comfort you dearly
Well, you just can't say it to someone, can you?
Oh dear, I know you're afraid
Cause they might not understand.

Waking up to face the enthusiastic daylight
Appears to be harder and harder everytime
Oh dear, oh dear, you got to fight
It's getting more tough, but keep going.

Life is out of direction and the future's kind of fuzzy
And every foot step carries a dread with it, having no clue to where you're up to.
Oh dear, just keep going
I know it's hopeless, but keep going.

Oh dear, I know you're tuckered and ran-out from all of this,
I know you are
But believe me, believe the impossible.
You have to, thing's are going to be better.

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