Ch.26: The Pawshake

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As Pinti sat drinking her Keibeck, Daero and Thereanbold were in some heated discussion about Sorcerer magick and something called aesthetic ethics. None of it she understood with all the big flowery words they were using as if trying to stump each other.

About a half hour later, they stopped when Thereanbold gave a big yawn. "Well, I had a good aesthetic debate, but now I'll show you some rooms for you to stay in. Rest up before you leave if you decide to leave. Or wait until twelve noon to figure out some other way with me and Lalina."

Although Daero didn't argue, Pinti almost did. Now she wasn't just racing against Edglings who had the upperpaw because they lived in the Sixth Ring, but also Orvineau. He might want the scepter just for higher status, but he was still a threat. Even if he didn't wish for anything, he still could control who wished for what. And if he already knew about the scepter, shouldn't they hurry up and think of something?

Rest first. She had to tell herself. It would do no good if I can't fight Orvineau or my Saboteur. Rest for energy. Then think. With a resigned sigh, she followed Daero as Thereanbold led the way.

He took them up some spiraling wooden staircases with iron railings to the second floor of the main tower. Wide arched windows lined the halls upstairs as they did downstairs. Mahogany flooring tinted a white-blue color as moonlight seeped in when clouds parted. One of moons had a few stars shining around it while the other moon was only a bright orange glow somewhere over the rooftops.

"The bigger moon is Ikyliell," Thereanbold explained although Pinti already knew that, "The smaller is Nyliell. Nyliell is said to be the husband of Ikyliell. Moon couple. Also, Aurvandil and Skaavandil are said to have been in love." Thereanbold smirked at them. "What about you two?"

"Excuse me?" She bristled. "Out of all the things, what made you think that?"

"Yeah!" Daero said. "Are you drunk or something?" He growled.

"Okay! Sorry," Thereanbold held up his hands in surrender, "I just thought—well, never mind."

"Heizak!" Pinti swore. Did he even think she had time to think about those things? Almost the entire world was her enemy. She didn't have time for it, and she wasn't interested either. She noticed Daero licking his shoulder and snarled. What did he have to be embarrassed about? She frowned at him.

"Honestly, Thereanbold. Pinti and I are just two Kathula stuck together on this damned journey to find the bastard scepter," Daero said as they rounded a corner.

What did Humans call forcing two in a relationship? Shipping? Pinti furrowed her brows. She never understood the vocabulary of Humans completely. They used words of other things to describe completely different things. Clothes were sometimes called 'skins', a face was sometimes called 'a recognition', and cups were sometimes called 'spillers' which was the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do.

Humans are weird. Pinti grimaced.

At last, they came to a guest room with two beds, a desk with two chairs, a closet, and a tall arched window with long velvet curtains. The light overhead was a simple chandelier with four small round bulbs. But it was bright enough to illuminate the room and its dark wooden walls.

"Would you like to rest separately?" Thereanbold tugged his mustache as he waited for their reply. Daero said he didn't mind either way and Pinti shrugged. She was used to sleeping with other Kathula in the same room. She had been for the last two years anyway.

"If you need anything, holler," Thereanbold said and left. Daero took the bed near the window and Pinti, the one next to him. Trees were leaning outside. The wind was picking up and a few drops of rain pelted against the glass.

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