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"You know, back in the day-" Jungkook started only to be cut off by Taehyung.

"You know, you sound like you're 70. You should be my grandpa or something. You'll fit the role perfectly," he proclaimed as he crossed his legs authoritatively making Jungkook raise an eyebrow at him.

"Always rambling on and on about some kind of rubbish which makes no sense whatsoever but in the end, it has some kind of moral value. Definitely grandpa qualities." Taehyung continued and gave a sly smile to Jungkook.

"I didn't know you find my stories so 'enjoyable' TaeTae. Maybe I'll share more such stories in the near future. And I definitely am a 'daddy', not a grandpa," Jungkook replied cockily tucking a strand of Tae's hair behind his ear.

Taehyung cheeks were dusted with a slight shade of pink as he looked down at his fingers on his lap. Jungkook was mesmerised at how adorable the older had become, completely contradicting his usual badass and sassy personality. 'Oh it must be a crime to look this beautiful,' Jungkook thought to himself.

"Stop staring at me. I- um- Ahem! I just wasn't expecting that. But, one thing is for sure. You have ZERO professionalism, Jeon," Taehyung finally said and crossed his arms, slowly looking up only to be met with the other's chocolate brown eyes and he just wanted to get lost in those orbs.

"I didn't know we had some rules of professionalism, Tae," Jungkook whispered making Taehyung raise his eyebrows. But then, his expression fell.

"How- just how do you know me, Jeon?" Taehyung faintly whispered and if Jungkook wasn't leaning towards Taehyung, he would have definitely missed it. 

"Stop calling me Jeon, darling. I have a name, you know?" He said and Taehyung just released a small sigh.

"Fine. Jungkook, what do you know about me?" Taehyung questioned, his hands trembling and his lower lip quivering.

Jungkook stared at the other and didn't say anything. He opened his mouth but shut it almost immediately. He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip and sighed deeply. "Now is not the time to discuss about this, TaeTae. You need to remember it yourself," he said boldly, not caring if it would hurt Tae or not. 

Taehyung had never felt this lost and confused ever before. "Why? Why can't you just tell me Jungkook? And how do I know I can trust you when you're not even telling me about MY life YOU clearly have a very profound knowledge about?" Taehyung asked.

"If there is one thing you don't have to worry about, it is about me lying to you. I promise, to never lie to you Taehyung. Please, trust me," Jungkook pleaded desperately making Taehyung go completely blank.

"Why are you so persistent on making sure that I trust you?" Taehyung asked again, utterly confused at Jungkook's desperate behvaiour. 

"There are a lot of things you don't know about Taehyung. I don't want the past to haunt your future. You need to trust me because all I want to do is protect you," Jungkook replied. He sounded so sincere and genuine, maybe, because he was.

Taehyung looked at the pleading look in Jungkook's eyes, as if, he was begging him. Taehyung decided to take the risk. He wasn't entirely sure if the decision would be good or not, but if someone can tell him about his past, he was ready to risk it all.

"I-I trust you, Jungkook." Taehyung finally said making Jungkook smile. And that's when Taehyung noticed a different side to Jungkook. He looked so precious, innocent and adorable with a cute bunny smile adorning his face.

He loved the way Jungkook's eyes twinkled when he smiled, not a cocky grin or a sly smirk, but a genuine smile. Those eyes held galaxies in them but, something was very familiar about them. His smile was as beautiful as the angel's.

All of a sudden, Taehyung's head started to throb with unbearable pain. It was like someone was forcing his skull to break open. He immediately held Jungkook's hand for support while the other was getting worried. 

"TaeTae? Taehyung, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked distraught over the fact that something was making Taehyung suffer.

"My head- ugh! It hurts!" Taehyung managed to say as his grip on Jungkook's hand tightened.

"Hoseok, we need paramedics here! Talk to the pilots and go for an emergency landing, NOW!" Jungkook yelled, his voice laced with concern.

"Contacted the medics already, Kook. Let me check with the pilots," Hoseok said and rushed into the cockpit. "We need to go for an emergency landing. Switch on the radio so that it can transmit and the location can be sent as soon as possible."

Taehyung felt his entire head explode and suddenly he started seeing something. It seemed like fragments of a particular memory. 

'A boy was sitting in front of him, definitely younger than him playing with the toys scattered all around the room. His face wasn't visible. More like, it was blurred. 

"Baby, the food is ready. Why don't you and TaeTae come down to eat?" A high-pitched female voice said.

"Let's go GooGoo! TaeTae is hungry," Taehyung, the younger Taehyung said and the boy immediately stood up.

"Okay TaeTae! GooGoo is hungwy if TaeTae is hungwy! Let's go!" The boy said and grabbed the older's hand. Taehyung smiled at the boy fondly before following him down the stairs.'

And slowly everything started fading away. "NO!" Taehyung yelled before everything faded.

Taehyung immediately lost consciousness and his body fell limp against the seat. "Oh my god, Hoseok! We need to land immediately. How long will it take?" Jungkook asked, worried for Taehyung's safety.

"It'll take at least fifteen more minutes Kook," Hoseok answered. "Check if he has a fever."

Jungkook rubbed his hands together and placed one of his hands on Taehyung's forehead and the other hand on Tae's hands. 

"Hobi he's burning up! What the fuck should I do?" Jungkook asked getting frustrated and extremely worried for Taehyung's safety.

"Oh god how dumb are you? I'll get the blanket. He needs body heat, that is, remove his jacket and yours too." Hoseok answered and Jungkook's eyes widened.

"You want me to get naked with him-"

"NO KOOK! GOD! Just, remove your jackets. We don't want him to feel uncomfortable." Hoseok said and Jungkook nodded his head. He quickly removed their jackets and placed Taehyung on his lap. He covered both of them with blankets and encircled his arms around Tae's waist.

Taehyung looked so much more peaceful in Jungkook's arms. He felt something familiar and secure in Jungkook's arms. Jungkook slowly brought his hand up and brushed his calloused fingers through Tae's soft hair.

He softly whispered, "You need to wake up, Taehyung. You still need to know the truth about your past. I am doing this for us. You'll get up, right?"



Hi Pastaels! I hope you liked this chapter, let me know in the comment section below. Also, don't forget to vote for the story. 

Do share some of your theories. I would love to read them. Thank you! Borahae! <3

 Thank you! Borahae! <3

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