Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3!

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I suddenly thought of going home alone. Happy's not with me. Maybe he'll understand if he sees me alone in the house, sulking. There at home, I can ease my mind. I can sleep to calm me down and forget the pain, or maybe eat. Eating makes me cheerful. Maybe I should do both.

I stood up, feeling a bit lonely. Suddenly, it rained. Even the rain's pitying me. Cool.

I decided to just walk in the rain. I do not catch cold easily so I walked in the rain. I felt like Juvia when she was still our ememy, so gloomy.

When I reached our house, I saw Happy with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay, Natsu?"

"Course, buddy. I'll just eat and sleep."

"I heard the news and—"

"Shhh, you don't have to remind me. I know it." I almost hissed at him. I'm just... so gloomy. Why do I feel this? Is this what they call jealousy?

I walked past Happy and examined the refrigerator. I remembered that we haven't shopped yet for food. Great. Luck's on my side. I decided to just sleep.

When I woke up, I felt alive. I felt like everything was just a dream. Yeah, I could feel the morning.

I found a note beside me. It was from Happy:


I went to the guild already. I left your breakfast there. I fished it for you. So smile. My name's Happy, so you should be happy too, pal.

-Happy :)

This cat never failed to make me smile. Oh well, I think I must eat the fish now.

When I finished eating, I went to the guild as well. But boy, I did the wrong choice. Me thinking about everything as a dream was so wrong. On the counter was Lucy laughing with Sting.

When Lucy noticed me looking at them emotionless, she waved at me. "Natsu! Come over here and—"

I just ignored her and went to an empty table. I can feel her stare at me. But I can't see her face. Her expression.

Just then, a blue cat flew towards me.


"Happy! Wanna come with me on a job? JUST THE TWO OF US?" I made the last statement loud, or should I say emphasized it, which made the other members look at me. Even Lucy and Sting.

"No. I mean, I'm gonna accompany Carla and Wendy at Fairy Hills." Grr, I hate life.

"Alright then, I shall do the job ALONE and shop ALONE."

I walked out of the guild, almost every members staring at me, confused.

I did the job well. So now, I'm shopping. I'm really happy to be alone. Oh well, I would just buy everything as long as it's food and my money wouldn't be wasted.

Junk foods, check.

Ice cream, check.

Chocolate, check.

Ramen, check.

All were good to go.

I went to the nearest cashier and there I found.... Sting and Lucy. They were smiling at each other. Great, I went here to the market only to be in a bad mood again?

Sting saw me and waved at me. Lucy also saw me and was about to wave and smile at me but then I turned my back on them. I pretended I did not saw them and went to a farther cashier. Farther from them.

I went back to our house all gloomy once again. The clouds are forming a heart shape. It's about to be noon time. I should get ready to eat ramen.

NaLu Oneshots [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ