Dear Lucy

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I kept on tossing and turning on my bed, looking all tired and sleepy. But I just can't sleep. I can't get Lucy out of my mind! It was really disturbing me already, and I really need to take a sleeping pill. Crap, I'm gonna wake Happy up if I'm gonna continue tossing and turning around.

Lucy was making me crazy. I mean, who wouldn't be? It was her first job alone. ALONE. She said she didn't want me following around, or else she's gonna get mad at me for a long time, and that she would quit our team. Of course I don't want her to quit our team, so I let her be. But as much as I tried to keep my thoughts away from her, I just can't! I'm so worried about her!

"Carla... thanks for accepting my fish..." Happy mumbled in his sleep. I envy him, he's sleeping peacefully, and I was like having a jet lag. Wish I could sleep like him.

Lucy's job was to fight a monster in Serendipity Beach. The reward would be 100,000 jewels. And based from the reward, I can tell that the monster can be pretty hard to fight on. But I believe that she can do it no matter what, because a Fairy Tail member doesn't give up that easily.

But even so, here I am, raiding food from our fridge, finding something to eat in the middle of the night. Because of worrying, I became hungry. Maybe I'm just hungry that's why I'm being like this.

I ate a bag of chips which Happy and I bought earlier. I took a handful of chips then swallowed them as rapidly as I could. Just then, an idea popped into my head. I looked for a paper and pen which was scattered on the living room. When I found them, I started to write.

Dear Lucy,

How have you been doing there? Well, me? Worried about you. Look, the job you're currently taking is really dangerous. As much as I wanted to come with you, you wouldn't agree with me; I'm afraid you'd quit our team! We've been together for 7 years (yeah, include the time when we were at the Tenrou Island and we slept for 7 long years.) and that'd been long enough, don't you think? I consider you as one of my family member, and I couldn't stand the fact that you'd be gone even just a second. Not even a day! But okay, I swear I'd wait for you until you finish your job. Please come back in one piece, all right? And also share the reward when you come back. :) We're gonna fish, too.

And yeah, I'll tell you one thing. But please don't freak out. Nor get even mad or anything. Most importantly, do not take this as a joke. I... have waited for a long time to say this, but... I... love you. Don't laugh! I'm serious! Not kidding,cross my heart. I don't need for you to love me back, I just need to tell you these feelings that are trapped inside me. Our first encounter was really silly, right? You thought I have saved you from Bora, which I did not really meant to do and treated us to food. Then I dragged you to Fairy Tail right away. Haha. Funny moment. Our first job, the Everlue one, remember that? One of my most memorable experience with you. I haven't expected we'd be closer to each other in the days passing and me falling in love with you. Well, it was because a rare thing. A rare feeling. I'm really weird right now, isn't it? Yeah, it's because of you. Jeez, I sound so cheesy, yet also a hopeless romantic, hahaha.

Well anyway, I don't expect any reply or comment. I just wanna tell these things to you. These are the things that I always have in mind. Sigh. Anyways, I know you could do that job, alright? Believe in yourself. Fight and fight. That's just a stupid monster. And when you beat up that monster, I have a surprise in store for you. Do your best in fighting if you still wanna see the surprise!

Kay, I'm effin crazy, but whatever. At least I got the chance to tell this to you, just even in this letter. I want you to read this, but I don't know how I could give this to you. You know I really hate transportations, right? Plus, you restricted me from following you. So I guess I have no choice but to keep this, yeah?

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