Doctor and Patient [a very short one-shot]

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And because it's Christmas, I have decided to do a double update! I dedicate this Chapter to Lov_anime13 because she flooded my notifications XD



Argh. My cold has been going on for days. I can't take it anymore. I can't speak clearly. I can't breathe properly. I really need to consult the doctor now. Nah, I'm too lazy. My head's aching. A medicine would cure my cold.

I stood up to go to our medicine cabinet and took a capsule. While drinking water, I coughed thrice, a dry one and I frowned. I really hate coughs and colds.

I took the capsule for a week now, and still, my cough and cold is not yet cured. I'm sick of this! How can I go outside and play basketball?! I just decided to call a doctor, a professional one. I need a receipt of what medicine or capsule I'm going to drink or take. I'm really desperate on playing basketball, you see.

I impatiently waited. After a few rings, I've spoken to the doctor. It was a girl.

"Hello? Dr. Lucy Heartfilia speaking. How may I help you?" a feminine voice said over the phone.

"I want you to cure my cold. It's -- *cough* been days! I've taken medicines -- *cough* and all, but it's still here! *cough* I want to play basketball -- *cough* already, so please, I'll pay you buckets of money if you want." I begged the doctor. I heard her sigh.

"Okay sir." Then I heard her murmur something. "Ehem. When and where do you want to schedule it? If it's in your house, what's the address of your house? And what is your name? " she asked politely.

"Natsu Dragneel. 171 -- *cough* Kiwi Street. At my -- *cough* house! Now!" My voice seemed alarmed.

There was silence on the phone. I waited for her to reply. But then the line went dead. That girl. How dare she? I'm her client! How rude! Ok. I've decided. I'm going to cure my cough and cold whatever it takes.

I'm sick and tired of waiting for the doctor! I must just cure my cough and cold myself.

After a few days of curing my sickness, I'm okay! I jumped in joy as I went outside, dragging a ball with me. I dribbled it while going to the court. And when I reached it, I did a jump shot. And it went through the net. I jumped around the court in joy. Ah! I missed this!

I played for hours.

While playing, I saw a doctor, with stethoscope in her hands. She was a blond girl with brown eyes. Right on the spot, the cupid hit me with its arrow.

I let go of my ball and walked towards the girl. I tried to act cool, high and mighty towards her while speaking, "And who might you be? Why are you here?"

"Dr. Lucy Heartfilia. I came to see Mr. Natsu... Dragneel. Kiwi Street... at his house. Can you please lead me to him?" Somehow, her voice seemed familiar to me. But whatever. She's the doctor I spoke with a few days ago. Never expected it would be a beautiful girl.

I faked a cough, which I failed to do so. "I am Natsu Dragneel." I coughed again.

"Well then, let's come inside. By the way, why are you playing basketball? Shouldn't you be resting?" she asked me when we entered the house. To answer her, I started with a fake cough.

"As I told you on the phone, I'm really -- *cough* desperate to play basketball. And so, *cough* I can't help it. I played *cough*." I lied.

She didn't look too sure on my answer. She seemed suspicious, so I gulped hard, hoping she wouldn't find out. "It doesn't make any sense. I mean, I saw you earlier, playing basketball and all. You did not seem to have a cough or a cold. Maybe it was just my imagination..?" she murmured to herself. "Well anyways, let's see." I heaved a sigh of relief secretly as she started to prepare her stethoscope.

As she put the stethoscope on my stomach, I coughed. I gotta pretend. She musn't find out I'm just now pretending. And when she put the stethoscope at my back, I started to cough more loudly. The silence between us was really deafening. I'm flustered I think, for I can feel my face heating up on her every move. Luckily, she faces my back. But then she groaned.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked her nervously. She stared at me and slowly shook her head. Her eyebrows rose, and she continued to examine me.

Her stethoscope travelled towards my chest. I gulped -- hard. I can feel my face burning! Like, really! Then, after a few seconds of silence, she spoke. But her words made me swallow the big lump on my throat. "Why is your heart beating fast?" Must I tell her the reason?


"B-because... it's beating for you...."



Dr. Lucy stared at me. Her eyes narrowed. "So you're not sick anymore. My suspicions are correct. You're not coughing anymore, see? Your cough and cold has subsided. And your cough is obvious that it's fake."

I stared back at her. "You knew all along? Then why'd you still come here?"

"It's a secret." she said, winking at me. Then... she kissed me... on my cheeks.


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