Chapter 1~ Choosing

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There is only one tric to be in, and that is Conclane. My father is the Leader, and so am I... Well, for now anyway.
I woke up to Father shouting "Isabell! get down here right now! Your brother is throwing fire, again!"
Here goes another miserable day of my life. I hear crackling, along with the smell of burnt charred paper coming from downstairs. I roll out of bed to put my clothes on. I run down the narrow stairs and sneak into my brother's room, where he is throwing fire. I almost start laughing when I see what he is throwing at.
There is a picture of his girlfriend, probably now ex girlfriend, considering he is throwing fire at it. I walk forward.
"Henry?" He is sobbing now. "Henry! What The heck?!"
I throw some ice at the burning picture of Susan, his ex.
"You need to calm the heck down. You shouldn't have even have a girlfriend in the first place. Not to mention the fact that you are twelve."
I'm starting to get a headache. Henry glares at me with fire in his eyes. Literally. Here we go again.
"Shut up! Just shut up! No one gives a crap about me! You wonder why I hate you!"
"I don't hate you", I say.
I start to feel the ice flow through my veins as the tension grows. Henry's hands fly up as I throw ice at his face, which isn't meant to hurt him, just to.. show him that I am his big sister and therefore I am in charge. The world went black.
I wake up to pale light and the cool feel of metal under my skin. My left arm feels like it was melted off, then reformed without the help of magic.
"HENRY", I yell.
I slam the door open from the infirmary and go to my room to look at the calendar. Crap, I totally forgot that today is the choosing ceremony. Jason, who has been my best friend ever since he flew into me when I was seven and he was eight, will choose between tricks today.
I sprint out of my house. I can't be late! As I go down the road, I feel someone grasping me, covering my face with their hand. The ice flows through my veins and I shoot out ice everywhere. Suddenly there is a force field to protect the attacker against my ice. There is only one person who has a force field against my powers. "Jason!", I yelled "What the crap do you think your doing, why did you attack me like th-" "Shut up and listen Isabell. You know today is my choosing ceremony, and-" "I know! Since your seventeen you decide today! I can't wait for you to choose Conclane and then-" " Isabell, listen! I don't know if I'm going to choose Conclane." My face suddenly goes hot. I stare into his eyes for a long moment. ".....Isabell, you know magic is the reason why my family fell apart, and why my mother is dead. Magic has given either of us nothing but trouble." "You would give up your wings to be a Strighton?! To have... What? You would give up our friendship... Our, well, ability to even talk to each other, and loose your wings? My father, if you don't even realize, is the leader of Conclane, and hates Strightons. No matter who they are?" I can't take it anymore. I run to the general justice building, where the ceremony is going to take place.
Jason sits down by me. I refuse to look at him. He starts saying somthing, but I block him out. " Welcome Conlane and Strighton members. Along with those who are about to choose." The speaker starts, "I will call each name, and they alone may decide." The speaker starts naming names. I look at Jason. I never noticed his strong features. He has high cheekbones, blond hair, the violet eyes possessing magic, and his tall, thin body with wings as black as night. "Jason Trinity. Please come and choose your Tric." He squeezes me hand once and walks up there. As he walks up there he has a grim look on his face. His tan skin suddenly turns pale. "I, Jason Trinity, choose...." He looks at me, his eyes look apologetic, " I choose Strighton." The walls begin to press in on me as surgeons in white come in and take Jason away. The lights become extremely dark, as my mind processes what just happened. He couldn't have, no. He didn't just choose no magic over us, our friendship, my trust. There is an eerie sound then, darkness. Pure darkness.

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