Chapter 7: Call to the Wild

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The den was breathtaking, and I couldn’t stop my jaw from dropping in awe. Addison was having a similar reaction, and I could hear Wynter’s smirk in her voice.

“It’s okay to be impressed.” I rolled my eyes. Wyatt led the small group towards the center.

“Our language. Awoo, Addison! That means welcome.” Addison tried to imitate his howl, and I had to hide my laughter.

“Ostrich boots?” Wynter’s head tilted to the side.

“No, I think Addison meant, ‘Awoo!’” Wyatt corrected. Addison tried again, bringing more laughter from the pack. “Polka dot unicorn?”

“Coat wear!” Wynter chimed in. Addison groaned.

“No, no sorry. Um. Uh. Ow!” The pack flinched, but I just kept my amusement inside. Potty mouth on that one. Next thing coming up would be something about the SwearWolf Jar.

“Whoa, whoa! Language! There are werepups around.” Wyatt scolded with a grin.

“She needs to put a pebble in the SwearWolf Jar.” Thank you for proving me right, Wynter. I flinched at the sudden volume as the entire pack howled a welcome to the white-haired girl. Addison’s eyes widened in surprise, a look of horror on her face.

“I am so sorry.”

“Enough. This is not why we brought her here.” Willa snapped at her brother, silencing the pack. I stepped further into a nearby corner, trying to make myself less noticeable.

“Why am I here?”

Wyatt didn’t answer, instead picking up a large blue crystal and shining it at the wall. Everyone turned to look at it, and a shadowy image appeared. A feminine figure was dancing and howling in the vision, but what caught my attention was the woman’s white hair. 

Now I understood why they wanted Addison.

“I believe you will lead us to the moonstone. I believe you’re the Great Alpha. I believe you’re a werewolf.” Excitement filled Wyatt’s voice as he stared at Addison from her side. 

I had to resist the urge to rip his throat out.


Wyatt smirked, setting the crystal down and leading Addison up the stairs.

Turn up, explain our history
Pull back the veil of mystery
What's written on the cave is prophesy
The Great Alpha is our destiny
Show us the power of chemistry
Lead us to the source of our energy
No one knows her identity
But she looks like you, identically

I had to avoid the entire pack, but Waylynn was standing by me instead of joining the dancing in the center of the den. Wyatt left Addison at the top of the stairs, joining the other werewolves.

This is how we're livin' our lives
Livin' our lives, livin' our lives, yeah
Can you feel the call to the wild?
Call to the wild, the call to the wild
We are the call, we are the call
We are the call to the wild

I understand how much respect the pack has for Wyatt. As their Beta, he has to work for it, and it seems like he’s done it. Addison slowly walked down the stairs, coming back down with the pack.

I see a real community
Unique, but you have unity
You know who you're supposed to be
Release to the rhythm totally

Wyatt and a little werewolf were not far from Waylynn and I as Addison gave her little spiel, and I watched as Wyatt’s gaze suddenly turned to me.

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