Chapter 6: Old Scars Reopened

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~Wyatt's POV~

"You did this to yourself. I'd keep back if I were you," Waylynn said before she turned and ran out the door.

My insides burned. I was constantly being pulled towards Zen. I can't explain it, but I get so angry when she is kept from me.

This she-wolf that calls herself my sister has the audacity to tell me what to do. She is barely a member of our pack, let alone able to boss me around.

Wait, what am I thinking? I fought for her.

I dug my nails into my hands as I balled them into fists and turned on my heel. No, she will see just how wrong she is. She has taken somebody from me before. But, unlike my mother, I will get Zen back.

I stormed up to Willa and dragged her to the side. "Waylynn is fraternizing with that zombie girl again." I watched as Willa's face hardened.

"Where?" she said simply, eyes fixed on me.

"She went through that door." I point towards the door she had exited.

I chuckled evilly and with no remorse as I followed her out.

"Stay here. I need to have a word with the rat," Willa hissed.

I walked to the entrance of the school waiting with the pack. My insides burning the further away from the cafeteria I walked. I fell to one knee in pain.

"Are you okay?" One of the wolves asked as she grabbed my arm.

"Y...yeah, we just need to find the moonstone, quickly," I said quickly, not wanting anybody to know the truth.

A minute or two passed before we heard them coming. I was excited for more than one reason. I glared at Waylynn as she passed, she looked hurt. Good, she hurt me. She kept my- what? Where is that coming from?

I looked down the hall and smiled warmly at the beautiful figure that was trying to hide in the corner.

~Zen's POV~

> I silently left the cafeteria behind Waylynn and Willa, sticking to a dark corner while I waited for the pack to leave. Wyatt was glaring at Waylynn when she passed him, and then his gaze turned to me.

For a moment, I felt my heartbeat pick up and a flush rise in my face. But then I remembered Addison, and the look he'd given her while holding her hand. The warm feeling disappeared, replaced with hurt feelings and anger. I glared at him before turning my head away. I felt his stare on me before he left with the rest of the pack.

~Three Hours Later~

"Do you understand any of this?" Addison questioned, showing me her scribbles on her notebook. I looked, eyebrows raising in confusion.

"Is that supposed to be chemistry? Or chicken scratch?"

"Very funny. I'm going to just text Bree. She understands this better than either of us." The white-haired girl replied, sending a quick Help! to Bree with a beaker emoji attached. My head sent a sharp pain through my body, causing me to wince slightly.

Several footsteps sounded from the porch, and I was immediately alert. Claws raked across the front door, drawing Addison's attention.

"Zed?" She called, getting up and heading for the door. I followed her, knowing who was outside.

It wasn't Zed. Addison discovered the claw marks, stepping outside with a gasp. I stood in the doorway, leaning on it casually to hide how sick I was feeling. I saw them before she did. There stood the wolf pack, Willa and Wyatt in the front staring at Addison.

"Come with us." Willa said bluntly.

"What's so important?" Addison asked.

With a glance at me, Wyatt added, "You are."

I rolled my eyes, trying to push down the hurt in my chest. Addison turned to me.

"Will you come with us, too?"

I looked at Waylynn in the back, then glared at Wyatt. "Only to make sure Zed doesn't blow up his Z-band." Willa and Wyatt escorted Addison at the front, and I joined Waylynn without looking at her. The walk was long and quiet, as the werewolves didn't want to be caught by the patrol after Seabrook-mandated curfew. The longer I walked, the worse I felt until we were just outside a large cave entrance.

My knees buckled, taking me to the ground as pain shot through my chest and through the rest of my body. Even my left ankle was throbbing.

"Zen?" Waylynn called, kneeling beside me. I could feel the eyes of the pack on me, making me feel small and vulnerable.

"What's taking so long?" Willa snapped, and I had half a mind to snap back but I didn't have the energy to.

"She's not feeling well, Willa. She hasn't all afternoon." Addison defended, drawing the Alpha's attention away from me. Wyatt's hand was fidgeting with something in his pocket, and a strange pull in my chest caught my attention. "Where are we going?"

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter replied, giving Addison a look. Willa and Wyatt gave her a look. "Too much? Too much, I knew it! Welcome!" Another look from them. "But not too welcome!" Wynter tried to hiss, but immediately started coughing.

"Are you okay?"

"My necklace is losing its charge." Wynter sounded scared, eyes wide.

"Every day, more and more of our pack become sick because their moonstones lose their charge. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which-" Wyatt started, but Willa cut in.

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me." She sighed, putting an arm around Wynter. "You'll be fine Wynter. I promise. You better be right about this." She directed the last part at her brother before leading Wynter inside.

"Follow them Addison. I'm going to help Waylynn get Zen inside." Addison looked torn, but when she saw the nod I gave her she obeyed and disappeared inside to wait for us.

"Wyatt..." Waylynn warned as he approached. He slightly bared his fangs at her, daring her to overstep. He pulled something out of his pocket, showing it to me. My eyes shot open wide in recognition.

"Here. I think this is yours." I took it from him quickly, holding it close to my chest protectively. Just touching the precious item made me feel better. I pulled up my left pant leg, revealing the disgusting scars around my ankle as I strapped the necklace around it. The touch of the stone to my skin sent a shockwave of power through me, but I fought it until the feelings died down.

"Zen, that isn't safe." Waylynn said gently, but I sent a venomous look her way. They both helped me stand.

"Can you walk?" Wyatt asked me, and I chose to walk past him to answer him. "I guess you can." I joined Addison, arms crossing over my chest.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, and I sent her a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine."

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