Chapter 5: The Past Brought to Light

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~Waylynn's POV~

 I giggled inwardly as I watched the young zombie sigh.

"Whatcha workin' on?" I leaned towards her so I could see her screen better but she pulled away hiding it instead.

"It's yearbook related, it doesn't concern you," she snapped.

I raised my hands in mock surrender and sat back. She closed her laptop and set it back on her knees and opened her mouth. But as she was about to speak, we heard a commotion and felt the bleachers shake. We both snapped our heads over to the middle of the bleachers where the werewolves were sitting and saw Wynter snarling at Addison.

Wyatt had jumped up and said something he definitely should not have.

"Wynter, some respect."

I snarled slightly and brought myself to a standing position. We shouldn't be giving any more hints as to why we are here.

I barely heard what happened next because I could sense Zen's unease. It confused me, but I didn't have time to think about it because I was suddenly pulled into the middle of the gym by another, more excitable wolf. We all danced with the all-too-peppy cheerleaders for a bit and I escaped back to Zen as soon as it was over.

I sighed and sat down next to her and she jumped again since she had pulled out her laptop again and was typing away.

"You have got to stop doing that."

"Then stop burying yourself in your laptop when friends are around."

"I wouldn't exactly call us 'friends' at the moment." Before I was able to ask what she meant, I heard Wynter falling into a coughing fit and jumped when I realized Zen herself was straining and as if trying not to cough.

"Are you okay?" I placed my hand on her back and bent down to see her face. She jerked her head away and just put a hand up.

After a few seconds it all stopped and everybody was paying attention to Wynter. Zen, however, was watching Wyatt and Addison so I looked over in their direction. They were talking but I didn't care to listen. What intrigued me was Wyatt grabbing Addison's hand. I bared my fangs at him ever so slightly. He had been around Zen and now he is getting involved with another girl? He danced with her, is talking very kindly to her, holding her hand, all while being way too close.

Oh is he in for it...

Proving my point, Zen jumped up, ran down the bleachers and out the door. I was startled and looked back at the wolf and activated my moonstone in anger, growling for just a second. Addison had spotted Zed and ran after him, Wyatt was now looking over at me with a smile, but it fell when he saw my thunderous expression. His eyes darted back and forth, probably looking for Zen. He started to run for the door but I made it there first and shoved him back slightly with a growl.

"You did this to yourself. I'd keep back if I were you." I winced inwardly, realizing if he went back to Willa with this, I'd be in big trouble.

I turned and headed out the door and chased after Zen.

"Hey, are you okay? I made sure he wasn't going to follow." I found her pacing in the cafeteria.

"I'm fine," she snapped. "Not that you would care. Not after you found your pack anyway."

"Woah. Where is this coming from?"

She just rolled her fiery eyes as if expecting me to know.

"You got the forest taken from me! You stole my freedom," she spat venomously. "I told you it was a bad idea but nooo you had to prove how brave you were. When it went south you didn't even wait for me. Or come back for me. You left me. They took me, threatened to bring me back. I had to beg for my life because of you!" She was in my face by this point, her eyes almost glowing with anger. Tears brimmed her eyes.

"I did go back, I found you in your home safe and sound. You are the one who turned your back on me."

BAMM! (Yes we broke into song here.)

The cafeteria door slammed open revealing a very angry Willa.

> "What are you doing?! She's a zombie! Do you not remember what her kind did to us? How many wolves they killed?!" Willa's eyes turned gold as she moved to approach Zen, but I put myself between them.

"She's only half zombie, Willa. And what her ancestors did happened long before she was born." Like she often did with Wyatt, Willa realized the truth in my words. With a snort, her eyes stopped glowing but her glare never left Zen or myself.

"Get in my way again, Waylynn, and I won't hesitate to exile you. Come on. We're leaving." Zen's eyes were wide, staring at the Alpha werewolf's back before turning to me.

"I'll see you later." I said as I slowly turned to follow Willa out of the cafeteria.

We passed the other wolves on our way out the door. I saw a look in Wyatt's eyes that I wished to never see again. Hate.


We are in writing mode this day! Hope you enjoyed!

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