Chapter 9: Painting the town RED

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"What happened back there?",Dimitri says. His face has turned a light shade of pink and his eyes are the size of dinner plates.
"I was just about to find out the truth when a book shot from the book case and tried to hit Lillie right in the head. She freaked out after that and screamed at me to leave. I tried to convince her that we could beat this thing together but she wouldn't listen."
I try to hold back the emotion I'm feeling but the weight of failure is too heavy and my eyes burst with tears.
"I might as well be dead." I can feel my chest getting tight and I can't catch my breath. I've never felt this feeling before. It feels like I'm having a heart attack. The air squeezes out of my constricted throat creating an audible wheeze. I can no longer talk. All I can do is struggle to breathe.
Dimitri pulls onto the side of the road and grabs me by the hand.
"Viviana, what color are my eyes?"
"Blue",I manage to choke the word out.
"Do I have leather or suede seats in this car?"
"What color is your parents house back at home?"
I had to really reach back in the hollows of my mind to remember this one. I think about it for a second and finally I can picture it.
"Its...brick. It has teal shutters" I can feel myself begin to catch my breath.
"Take some deep breaths. You were having a panic attack, I was refocusing you.
"Wow, how did I not realize that? I've never had a panic attack before."
"You've never been in a situation like this before. I used to have panic attacks all the time after my brother died. My mom taught me how to do that and it always helped."
There's a moment of silence in the car and we just stare at each other for a moment.  Viribus has been silently looking on from the back seat helplessly this whole time.
"You know right before you ran out of the house, I was about to come in and check on you because Viribus was going completely nuts in the car. It's like he knew things were going south."
I look back at Viribus lovingly. I run my fingers through his thick black fur and scratch behind one of his massive ears. His hind leg thumps in approval.
"I think it's because we're kindred spirits. Sometimes I think he was put here just for me, I wouldn't have made it this far if it wouldn't have been for him, if it wouldn't have been for both of you."
My focus shifts back to Dimitri, who looks like something is weighing heavily on his mind.
"Viviana, there is something I want to tell you but I don't know how to say it." He reaches out for my hand once again.
"I think the best way to say it is just to say it."
I smile at him nervously.
"Well...I don't want to be too forward. I know we haven't known each other long but..."
"Marry you? Have your babies? Absolutely!", I think to myself.
"I feel like we've been through so much in that short time and...I guess what I'm trying to say is, do you want to go out on a date tonight?"
"Tonight? Wow, Dimitri, I'd love to."
"Really? Awesome. I think it would be great for you to get out and just feel normal for a while.  We can have some drinks, enjoy some great food and listen to music. I know a really great place in downtown." His eyes are lit up with excitement.
It's funny how I could go from having my first panic attack to the happiest moment in my life. I don't know why this rich and handsome doctor is interested in a mess like me but I'm so glad he entered into my life just when I needed him.
"Let's get back home so we can get ready."
He pulls back on to the road.
I feel so happy but also worried at the same time. Am I ever going to know what's going on? I wonder if Lillie will ever speak to me again? I've decided that maybe I will go back to Lillies house tomorrow after she has had time to cool off. There are so many emotions going through my head right now but my mind needs a break. For right now, I'm just a 25 year old girl that is wondering what she's gonna wear on a date with her cute boyfriend. I'm glad I went to grab some clothes from my house because I have just the perfect red dress to wear.
Once we get to Dimitri's house, I start to wonder if a night without Viribus is even safe right now.
"So are we just going to leave Viribus here at the house while we go out?"
"Yes, that's what I was thinking. Do you not feel comfortable with that?"
I'm a little nervous about the whole thing but I really want to go out on this date with him and just be normal for a couple hours so I try not to make a big deal out of it.
"No, that actually seems okay. As long as we're together, I feel safe."
I hug him as we walk towards the house and just for a second I feel okay again. I grab my clothes to take them upstairs so I can start to get ready. I am relieved to see that the bloody writing on the shower has not returned. Viribus follows close behind as usual. I decide I'm going to actually try to wear some makeup so I turn on the faucet and wait for it to get warm so I can wash my face. Leaning over, and cupping the warm water in my hands, I splash it on my face. I grab a towel to pat my face dry and open my eyes and that's when I see it, a figure standing inside the shower, just standing there looking at me through the frosted glass. I don't scream because no sound will escape from my mouth. My heart feels like it's beating in my throat. Then the figure begins to write on the glass shower wall with its finger, leaving a blood streaked line with each stroke.  I just sit there and watch in the mirror as it slowly forms the letter of each word.
A high pitch twisted laugh echoes from the shower and one large hand covered in rotted flesh with thin long fingers reaches from the top of the shower. I can hear Viribus jump up from the room and run into the bathroom.
I look away from the creature for just a second and as soon as I look back, it's all gone.
There's no blood, no figure, nothing.
I grab Viribus and just sit in the middle of the bathroom floor and cry. This isn't a little whimper, it's a cleansing weep. I've been holding it in for a while now.
This thing isn't going to ever leave me alone. What have I done? Viribus licks at the tears on my face. I decide I'm not going to tell Dimitri about this one. I want us to have a good time tonight. I might be shaken up but I'm not giving up. Standing up, I dust myself off and continue to get ready for our date. I keep Viribus in the bathroom with me this time. Once I get done with my makeup I take a good look at myself in the mirror and for the first time in a long time, I feel beautiful. I let my braids down for the first time in an eternity. The red dress still fits me like a glove surprisingly. It's a bright candy apple red fit and flare with a halter top that snapped in the back.
Mom always called it my "Man catching' dress." I laugh to myself.
I sure do hope that's the case for tonight, mom.
Just like clockwork, I get a text from Dimitri.
"I'm ready. I will be waiting for you downstairs."
I can't believe this is happening. I'm excited and scared at the same time.
"Viribus, would you mind escorting me down stairs, my good sir?"
Viribus stands up and walks beside me as if to say, "Ofcourse."
Sometimes you never know what form your guardian angels will come in. Some people have friends, teachers or even a significant others but mine just happened to be of the canine variety.
I try to be careful not to fall because I haven't worn heels in a long time. We slowly descend the winding staircase and around the corner I can see Dimitri standing at the bottom. He's wearing a dark grey turtle neck with a black blazer, dark washed jeans and his hair is slicked to the side. He looks like a young James Bond.
He doesn't see me just yet as I watch him but then he looks up and we lock eyes. He doesn't even say anything. He just watches until we reach the bottom.
"I have no words, Viviana. There are no words to describe how beautiful you are. All I can say is I'm going to be the envy of every man we come across tonight."
"Thank you, you also look absolutely amazing, as usual."
"Viribus, you going to be able to hold down the fort while we're gone?" Dimitri gives him a pat on the head and Viribus answers with a confident huff.
"That a boy, we won't be gone long."
I tell Viribus I love him and grab my jacket and we head out the door.
Downtown Birmingham is a beautiful place at night. I've been here for almost a year and I never really got out before. The city is a sea of lights and activity.
"I've made us reservations at nice place tonight, I know how much you love blues music so they have a live band tonight. We can have some drinks and just talk about us."
Hmmm, "us", I like the sound of that.
"That sounds great!"
I can't stop smiling.
Dimitri parallel parks the car right in front of a beautiful rustic looking building. There are lights strung up on the outside patio. The inside gives me a fancy southern vibe. As soon as we walk in an obviously busy and nervous looking host walks up to the podium.
"Dr. Ivanov! We've been expecting you and your beautiful lady friend. Please come this way to the table you requested!"
We follow the host through a crowd of people until we finally get to a beautiful spot close to the stage. We sit down and order drinks and I can tell Dimitri has something on his mind.
"Viviana, I just want to tell you how beautiful you look tonight and how happy I am to be able to take you out." He grabs my hand.
"Thank you, I'm happy to be out with you too. This is such a nice place." I look around and take in the scenery.
"There was a reason I wanted to bring you here tonight, I just wanted it to be the right time and the perfect place. I hope you won't think I'm crazy because we've only known each other for 3 weeks but....."
The DJ comes on the speaker and introduces the next person to come to the stage.
"Hello all you beautiful people out there! We are going to get straight to the music! This next band started their music career on the swampy banks of New Orleans, their sound is a mixture of jazz and creole music. Grab a drink and let the music take you to the bayou. Give it up for French quarter quartet!"
The band gets up on stage and begins to play and the music is amazing. I turn to Dimitri, "Isn't this great?"
"Viviana, I love you."
At first I just stare at him because I don't know what to say. That was the last thing I expected.
"Please say something. I really needed to get this off my chest because if you didn't feel the same way I didn't want to lead myself on...."
His voice trailed off and his eyes look down.
"I think I love you too, Dimitri."
Dimitri's eyes come back up to look at me.
"Really? I didn't want you to think I was crazy because it's been only a short period of time we've spent together but I've never met anyone like you before. You have a unbreakable spirit that inspires everyone around you."
I think I'm blushing at this point.
"Dimitri, I've never met anyone like you before either. You're a 30 year old surgeon and you're the most humble, selfless, down to earth guy I know. You opened up your home and risked your life for a complete stranger."
"It was the best decision of my life."
The rest of the night is wonderful. We danced, ate and drank. It wasn't until last call around midnight that we got ready to leave.
In the car I feel the need to tell Dimitri about the strange thing that happened in the bathroom earlier that day but I keep it to myself, instead I tell him about my plan to go back to Lillie's in the morning.
"Are u sure u want to do that? What if she gets angry and tries to hurt you? You said she was pretty mad."
"She was definitely upset and I'm worried about that too but she's the only living person that knows the truth about this whole thing. I could tell she was a good person, her and her family just had it rough growing up interracial in the 40's."
"You're right. I couldn't image how horribly they were treated. I support you in this decision but this time I'm going in there with you no matter what she says."
"I'm more than okay with that.", I chuckle.
That night when we got home, Viribus was at the front door to greet us; Ofcourse he always runs straight to me and I always give him the biggest hug. We all go upstairs and get ready for bed. Laying next to Dimitri, with is arms around me was the best feeling in the world and the only time I ever really felt safe these days. He had fallen asleep just as fast as he had laid down. I know he was tired.
I was tired too but I work night shift in the hospital, night time was my favorite time. Everyone is quiet and calm and I have not a care in the world. Viribus lays at the foot of the bed watching me as usual until his eyes finally start to ease shut. Eventually mine do too and I drift away.
I wake up bright and early in the morning because I'm ready to tackle this day. I'm not scared because I know Lillie really wanted to help me deep down inside.
"Good morning beautiful lady." I hear Dimitri groan from under a blanket.
"Good morning Dr. beefcake." I chuckle as I stumble out of bed and start my morning routine.
"Today is the day and hopefully it goes better than last time right?"
"Right. I sure hope it does...."
After having some of Dimitri's famous pecan pancakes, we get in the car and head to Lillie's house. I can tell that Viribus is on edge the entire ride and so am I. I try to ignore the obvious creepy feeling in the car the closer we get to her house. I can see the flashing of red and blue lights once we turn on her driveway and there is caution tape outside the house.
There are several cop cars sitting in the yard. I jump out of the car and run towards the one officer that's standing close to the front door.
"Hello officer, I'm a friend of Lillie's, what happened? Is she okay?"
"You say you're a friend? Ma'am, I'm so sorry to tell you this but she was found dead this morning. When she didn't show up for bingo today at the senior citizens building, they got worried so they requested a well-check. It looks like it may have been a heart attack."

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