Chapter 19: The Odyium

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I have never ran so fast in my life; Even after all the terrible things I've seen since all of this started, I've never felt such malevolence. I've never seen anything so horrifying in my life. I did learn something today though, that I can use this bible as a weapon. Before I even realize it, we are downtown and I'm trying my hardest not to look like a crazy disheveled lady that just got attacked by a bobcat demon hybrid. As we approach the coffee shop I can see beau from the window. I hadn't seen him since that night at the hospital and boy did he look different in his regular clothes. He dressed in a way that I can only describe as modern steampunk. He had on a black button shirt and on top of that was a deep dark maroon colored vest. I saw a twinge of concern in his eyes as he took his hand and raked back some of his curly red hair.
Viribus impatiently tugs at his leash to go inside the building. Even with all the chaos going on, I couldn't help but feel so underdressed and he looked so nice. Beaus eyes light up as soon as he sees me.
"Viviana? Is that you? I'm so glad to see that you're safe, you had me worried there for a second."
"Hi beau."
He gives me a tight hug and here comes that guilty feeling again, I knew I shouldn't have these type of feelings for beau but I couldn't help it.
We sit down and he already has a coffee and a half eaten scone.
"I'm sorry that I look so rough. It a little windy walking over here."
"Nonsense, Cher, you look absolutely beautiful and how is Viribus doing today?"
He reaches down and scratches behind Viribus's ear and he responds with a leg thump of approval.
"He's had better days but he's doing good. Could I ask you a question?"
"Sure, anything."
"How did you get that letter onto Viribus that day I was at my parents house?"
"I thought you sent him or something? I know I had never met Viribus but somehow, I knew exactly that was him when I saw him."
".... Wow, how'd he even get that far and back in such a short time?"
"Well, cher...I don't think Viribus is a normal dog."
Most definitely not, found that out after he self revived himself in minutes.
"So I've been doing some research on what this thing is and why it's trying to kill you. You moved into that house and that's pretty much when all of your problems started right? Then u found out that's the house that Lillie grew up in and some traumatic things happened there. Didn't the father kill the younger brother or something?"
"Well it was written in the newspaper article that way but Lillie told me that it was a lie."
"How so?"
"Lincoln Liles, Lillies father, was married to white woman and that was a big deal back then. He and his biracial children were hated by everyone in the town. He had an "accident" at work that resulted in him losing an eye and from then on he couldn't find work. The article said that Lincoln went mad and killed his son Trenton which resulted in him getting the death penalty, Lillie mother couldn't deal with the stress of it all and she just shut down. They sent her to an insane asylum and little Lillie went into the system as an orphan."
"Wow....that's awful."
"It is, and the worst part of it is I think there's a lot more to this story. I think the article was bullshit. I want to help clear the name of the Liles family."
My phone buzzes and It's a text from Dimitri.
Things escalated more than they should've. I miss you and I love you. Please text me back so that I know you are okay and we will talk later.
I send him a quick text to let him know I went to get coffee and put my phone away.  I was still mad at him but I still couldn't wait to see him later. I guess that's the way love goes.
"I've done some research and I think I have an idea what we are dealing with. Your story just solidifies my theory. I think this is an Odyium."
"What is that?" I say, wondering if I really want to know.
Beau reaches over and takes a large untitled book out of his leather bag. He flips through the pages quickly until he gets to a particular section and begins to read.
"Odyiums are a unique entity in that they share traits with many other entity's but are their own beings. They are the result of a death of a person that was once alive and walking on the earth. This person must have passed away with an abundance of hatred within them. The Odyium is born when this persons hatred for others is turned inward, which results in a very malevolent and dangerous spirit. The spirit can shape shift like the skinwalker, move items around in the living world like a poltergeist and is powerful enough to show itself when it chooses to do so. Odyiums are not demons, as demons were never human to begin with. Once the creature has attached to a person, it is only that person that can banish it. The only way to stop an Odyium is to expose the being for who they truly were when living. You must first summon the creature by calling it by its human name in the original place that the Odyium was first encountered. It is strongly not recommended to attempt this alone as the Odyium is at its most powerful during the time of summoning...."
"That is terrifying, but that sounds spot on. That's why it's trying to keep me from reading this letter because I believe it holds the truth...I know it does actually." I grab the Bible from in my purse, which still has charred marks on it but the words still read "HOLY BIBLE", clear as day. I slip the envelope from the book.
"What is that?",Beau looks at me with those green eyes and I almost forgot what I was going to say.
"Lillie, sh-she gave it to me right before she died. It has the whole truth in it. Ever since she gave me this, things have gotten worse." I look down at Viribus and he looks back up at me, his big golden eyes not only concentrating but understanding. I give him a head scratch and a piece of donut.
I hope we aren't in over our head, boy.
"So you think this has the name of the Odyium in here?", Beau says,obviously nervous.
"Yes, I think so."
"And if it doesn't?"
"I have enough faith that it does."
"You don't want to take a peek to make sure?"
"Beau, if and when I open this letter, all he'll is going to break loose. When we open it, we need to be ready and in place."
"Well, I think what we have to do now is obvious, we have to go to the original spot you first got spooked by this thing and end this once and for all."
"It all started at my house and I haven been there in months....I've been scared to go back but I think it's time."
By this time, it's getting late and the cafe looks like it's about to close soon.
"I think I better get home. Can you text me the details tomorrow? I'm ready for this nightmare to be over."
"Absolutely, would you like for me to walk you home? I really don't mind as long as Dr. D is okay with it.", he says with a slick smile and a wink that makes me feel like I can't talk anymore.
"Well, I...."
"She has a ride but thank you for taking care of her for me...", a familiar voice says.
In walks Dimitri in his work suit.
"Well, hello Dr. D, it's so nice to see you again", Beau reaches his hand out to Dimitri.
Dimitri clears his throat.
"Dimitri will do just fine. Nice to see you Beau." They shake hands, eyeing each other from head to toe.
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence beau chimes in.
"Well I better be going then. I'll text you tomorrow and we'll plan all of this out okay?
"Okay Beau, talk to you soon."
"Sure thing, Cher." He gives Viribus a pet on the head and then I watch him as he starts down the side walk.
Beau stops and turns around.
"And Viviana? Be careful okay?"
"I will."
He flashes his big Cheshire Cat smile and continues to walk. I watch him in silence as he disappears into the foggy night and Dimitri is watching me.
"I don't know what you see in that guy, Viv. He gives me the creeps."
"And he gives me the chills", I think to myself and immediately feel bad about it.
"Are you ready to come home? I almost had a heart attack when I realized you all had left. I tried to give you your space but with that vague text and with all the other things going on, I just couldn't help myself. You're the love of my life, Viviana."
With that, I wrapped my arms around him and felt the warmth and comfort of his love.  I looked up at him and his blue eyes were staring straight into my soul. This man was just absolutely beautiful.
"Let's go home, I have a surprise for you."
I smile at the thought.
Once home, we walk up to the front porch and I can hear music oozing from the entrance; as we get closer, I recognize it as one of my favorite songs, "Gemini" by the Alabama shakes. Dimitri opens the door and it's dimly lit with candle flames dancing around the house. There's rose petals leaving a trail up the stairs and I'm in awe.
"This is beautiful Dimitri. I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything, just follow the trail upstairs." 
Viribus heads to his favorite napping spot in front of the back patio door on the rug.
I walk up the stairs slowly and there are small notes at the top that also go in a trail.
"You are loved"
"You are beautiful"
"You are sexy"
The letters lead to the master bathroom and there's a huge bubble bath running with a champagne bottle and glasses sitting around it. A beautiful red silky robe lay on top of the sink and  I just stood there for a second taking it in before I saw the last letter.
"I want you to know how much you mean to me. Relax, slip into this and enjoy the bath. You deserve it."
I couldn't believe this was happening. I changed into the robe and just sat there for a second taking it all in.
I feel Dimitri's hands wrap around my waist and it almost startles me.
"I didn't mean to scare you." He says in a deep calm voice.
I turn around to meet his gaze because ever since that one night I have to look him in the eyes to make sure it's really him. I can tell instantly that this is him. He leans in and his soft warm lips touch mine. His hands begin to explore their surroundings.
He slips off my robe and gestures me towards the tub.
"Get in, enjoy the bath. I will be waiting for you when you come out."
I slip into the hot water and it feels and smells amazing. I spend sometime just soaking, sipping the wine and just thinking about how in love I am with this man. I indulge in this moment because I actually feel normal for once. I want to enjoy every second. I get out of the tub, dry off and slip on my robe again.
Keeping his word, there was Dimitri waiting for me on the bed, shirtless..8 pack showing. I was so nervous looking at him. He looked like a Greek God.
" Come here. You don't have to be nervous, beautiful." 
I get on the bed with Dimitri and wrap my arms around him again. He smells exactly how he looks, perfect. He kisses me passionately and deeply and his hands run up and down my body. I slipped my robe off and our two souls became one. It was everything I thought it would be and more. Afterwards, we collapse almost instantly from exhaustion. I lay my head on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair until his hand slowly comes to a stop and he falls asleep. I lay there in total peace thinking about what tomorrow has in store for us until I, too eventually succumb to the quiet darkness.

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