Chapter Two

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I walked down from the Hyuga Compound on a strangely quiet morning. Something has happened to have made the streets so quiet. I looked around to see if I could spot anyone, but there was nobody in sight. I started to get a bit worried, so I picked up the pace and head towards Tsunade-sama's office.

"L-Lady Tsunade?"
"Hello Hinata! Can I help you?"
"P-Probably, I was walking down the street, but it was ab-abnormally quiet and there was no one in s-sight. I thought I should tell you a-about it." After my explination, Tsunade started snickering.
"Heh, heh, BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh Hinata, everyone has left you out of the loop! Haven't you heard? Naruto's back! That street you walked by must have wanted to welcome him back. Why don't you go too?" With every word, my eyes grew larger and larger.
"N-Naruto-kun is back?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. No! I'm still not ready to face him! So what, I have grown more confident, BUT I STILL CANT TALK TO HIM!!!
"Yup! Go say hello! That's an order!" She joked.
"By the way, I know how you feel about him, so go! Talk to him!" She said with a wink. I felt my face heat up like a furnace.
"Well, if that's all, you are dismissed, he is going toward his new home. I'll give you his address.." She giggled at my gaping mouth. I nodded quickly and hurried out. I stared at the note in my hand and took a deep breath through my nose.
"Ok. Now is the perfect time to confess.. You can do this Hinata!" I whispered. I wasted no time and took off to welcome back and confess to Naruto-kun.

Me: This chapter is short because my fans have been begging for another chappie! Think of these chapters as meals, this is the appetiser!

Hinata: Umm... Pink? W-when are you going to d-do a disclaimer?

Me: I'm not.

Hinata: What?! But you don't own us! Y-you have to do the d-disclaimer!

Me: I don't have ta' 'cuz you just did! *Makes peace sign next to face and does a cheesy closed eyes smile*

Hinata: *Blushes* Piiiiiiiinnk! Don't do that!

Me: Do what? *sarcastic innocent talk*

Hinata: Use r-reverse physiology to make me say the stuff that we both d-don't want to do!

Me: Hahaha, another thing we both have in common is that we never learn!

Hinata: If you don't stop, I can always Not-So-Gentle Fist your ass! *Activates Byakugan*

Me: *cowers in corner* Okay Okay! Just leave my ass alone! Although, I think you just got possessed by Sakura...

Hinata: What... Was... That?

Me: NOTHING!!! Until next time, I GOTTA GET RUNNING!!!

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