Part 3: Self-Assessment; The Gift of Administration

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1) Is highly motivated to organize for a responsibility. (When placed in charge, this person is driven to organize.)

2) Expresses ideas and organization in ways that communicate clearly.

3) Prefers to be under authority in order to have authority. (This person will take charge, but prefers to do so under the direction of someone else, who will oversee his work.)

4) Will not take responsibility unless delegated by those in authority.

5) Will assume responsibilities if no specific leadership exists.

6) Especially enjoys working on long-range goals and projects.)

7) Is a visionary person with a broad perspective. (This person can see the big picture of what should result from a project and can also see the steps and tasks necessary to achieve it.)

8) Easily facilitates resources and people to accomplish tasks or goals. (This person knows the best people to do what he wants done and the best way to use the stuff available.)

9) Enjoys delegating tasks and supervising people. (This person prefers to set people to doing tasks that need to be done, and then watching over them to answer questions and assure quality.)

10) Will endure criticism in order to accomplish the ultimate task. (This person doesn't say anything when people criticize his work, especially if it distracts him from completing the task. He also accepts advice, even when it's not offered in kindness, and uses it if it will work better, in the interest of project success.)

11) Has great zeal and enthusiasm for whatever he is involved in. (He has high morale and is excited to work on whatever project he's doing.)

12) Finds greatest fulfillment and joy in working to accomplish goals. (Joy and satisfaction come from the work, as much as the results.)

13) Is willing to let others get the credit in order to get a job done.

14) Prefers to move on to a new challenge once something is completed. (Once the challenge is completed, he wants another challenge, rather than to stay and oversee what he's done already.)

15) Constantly writes notes to self.

16) Is a natural and capable leader.

17) Knows when to keep the old methods going and when to introduce new ones.

18) Enjoys working with and being around people. (Is a people person, rather than an introvert.)

19) Wants to see things completed as quickly as possible.

20) Does not enjoy doing routine tasks. (Doesn't like mundane chores that pose no challenge.)

Totals for gift:_____

Typical problem areas of the gift of Administration:

1) Becomes upset when others do not share the same vision or goals.

2) Develops outer callousness due to being a target for criticism. (Stops caring what other people think or feel because he's been criticized so much.)

3) Can regress into 'using' people to accomplish own goals.

4) Tends to drive self and neglect personal and family needs. (Tends to get so focused on the project that he lets his own and his family's needs slide.)

5) Neglects routine home responsibilities due to intense interest in the 'job'. (Misses family time and personal care time due to being always 'at work'.)

Total for problem areas:_____

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