nothing but trouble

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"Eh?!" Someone exclaimed from behind him and he turned around in question, "What's your quirk?" A blond boy asked, pointing straight at him. Arashi couldn't help but notice the obvious lightning-shaped streak in his hair.

He blinked, lightly clenching his fist, "It's rude to point." He stated, watching as the boy's eyes widened.

It took him a few seconds, but he dropped his hand down, a sheepish grin taking place on his features, "Sorry..." He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Not sparing him another glance, Arashi walked to the side and waited for the others to take their turn. It was then, that he felt something poke him in the shoulder. He was, once again, met with a sheepish grin, "Um... can you tell me what your quirk is?"

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking something like that?" Arashi bit back, a bit harsher than he intended, but it got the point across.

The blond blinked, before he offered his hand, "I'm Kaminari Denki!" Cheerily, he introduced himself.

Out of sheer, albeit forced politeness, Arashi took his hand, "Genzai Arashi," he spoke, "and my quirk is Lightning."

Kaminari pulled his hand back, the cheerfulness quickly turning into something akin to excitement, "That's so cool! Mine is Electrification!" He did a little wiggle and Arashi didn't find it entertaining.

"Less chatting," Aizawa spoke up from in front of them, "Midoriya, you're up."

The green-haired boy awkwardly got out of the crowd and took the ball Aizawa offered him, before he stepped inside the circle, looking like he was going to be blow away by the wind.

"It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this." Iida spoke from the side.

He was right about that. Midoriya barely got an average score on everything else and if he doesn't do something magical for the ball throw, he may as well be expelled in the end.

"Huh? Of course not. He's a quirkless small fry, you know." The other blond boy, Bakugou, added as he pointed at Midoriya.

Quirkless? If he were actually quirkless, then how did he pass the exam? By luck? That seemed awfully unrealistic.

That caused Iida to grow mildly defensive, "Quirkless?! Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?"

"Huh?" Bakugou could say that twice.

Arashi had no idea what Iida was talking about.

From the corner of his eye, he watched as Midoriya whipped his arm forward, but it proved to do nothing. The ball rolled across the ground and came to a stop as a machine yelled out the score, "46 meters."

Midoriya looked at his arm in horror, as if he hadn't expected that.

"I erased your quirk."

The ringing in his ears was back and he watched as the scarf-like cloth rose around Aizawa, gently hovering. Somehow, the sight of the man's back seemed vaguely familiar—so familiar that it confused Arashi.

Why? Why was he familiar? Where had he seen him before? His memory was hazy, but he was positive he had once looked at him like that, from behind.

"The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!" Midoriya exclaimed.

Eraser Head...? Even the name sounded familiar. It was... as if he were looking through a fog in his mind, unable to see anything he wanted, but only mere snippets, ones that barely revealed anything. But, he was sure he had once heard someone yell out the name; Eraser Head. Still! The thought of knowing him, but not from where, was tearing holes inside his mind! What use was the familiar feeling when he couldn't understand where or when he saw him?!

𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑼𝑺 𝑴𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑨 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now