storm chaser

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The Sports Festival.

All Arashi could say was that he had no interest in participating, but...Aizawa was not having it. So that was how he found himself sitting across the man, the two of them in a silent staring contest, until Arashi couldn't take it anymore. "I don't want to do this." They'd been at it for a while, probably days already.

"It's mandatory."

Was it? Arashi never read that anywhere.

"How many steps are in this apartment complex?" He tilted his head. "It wouldn't be hard to...accidentally slip and fall, now would it?"

Aizawa sighed. "You're not breaking anything just to get out of this."

Bummer. Arashi would've done it, too. He's broken bones a few times in his life, what's a few more? It would all heal up pretty quickly either way, but...there was the matter of going to the hospital, though.

"Ah, you're right. I don't like hospitals."

"You and hospitals..."

Not this again. "You'd dislike them as well if you were in my place." Arashi leaned his head back to stare up at the ceiling.

"You don't like talking about it so I won't say anything else about it." Aizawa's sudden words made Arashi's head go blank in an instant.

Did it seriously take him that long to understand that? How many times had he asked Arashi about things he didn't like talking about? And now he stops at hospitals? How kind of him...

"So it finally got through your thick skull, huh?" Arashi straightened, glancing at the man. "But me not wanting to participate in the festival can't? Bullshit."

There must be a reason he wanted him to participate. A stupid reason.

"Participating will be good for you."


"Please, enlighten me."

Good...? Who was he kidding?

"Perhaps you'll get closer to your classmates and other students. There are team activities."

Ah...of course. Stupid indeed. "You're joking...right?" Arashi couldn't stop himself from smiling in disbelief. "Oh my God, you're not. Are you serious right now?"

"I am." Came the simple answer.

"You do know that me participating in this event won't bode well for the others, right?" This matter how much he thought he knew and understood Arashi, he didn't. He simply...didn't. "Sensei, I will run them into the ground and I won't care about the consequences," he continued without missing a beat, "I don't care if they're my classmates or not, I will treat them like scum."

For a single moment, he saw the mild widening of the man's eyes, the sheer panic that passed through them, and the understanding that Arashi, indeed, was telling the truth. Arashi wanted him to understand. He wanted him to realise that sending him to participate, sending him out to fight and compete wouldn't end well for anyone. He wanted him to hesitate. He wanted him to think it through, to search through the possible answers and only come across a single one.

He wanted him to see what would happen and be unable to prevent it.

"You know what, I might as well participate," The smile he had just seemed to widen, until a grin took its place. "It will be fun...won't it?"

Aizawa didn't say anything, as if his mind couldn't yet comprehend what happened within a few moments. He sat there, in his mummy cosplay, and remained silent, until- "You..."

𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑼𝑺 𝑴𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑨 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now