37 - Revenge

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Michael wrapped an arm around Adriana's waist, helping her walk in a straight line towards his rental Audi.
He fetched the keys from his pocket and pressed the button to unlock it, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a car approaching them with its lights on.

He squinted, momentarily blinded, but didn't pay too much attention to it as he opened the passenger's door and pretty much pushed the girl inside, slamming it back shut, trying to ignore the man's insistent honking.

When he jogged around his car to get in the driver's seat and the stranger stopped his ride right next to his, MJ's already pretty much nonexistent patience ran out, so he opened his arms, stickin' out his chest in a hostile gesture. "The fuck u want!? I'm fuckin' moving, a'ight! Why dontchu find another fuckin' spot!?"

"Michael!" Bill's loud voice surprised him tremendously making his eyes widen, realizing he had been caught and Bray was obviously there to stop him, so he rushed into his vehicle and as soon as he slid the key in and turned on the ignition, he sped out of the parking lot with a loud screech.

"For fuck's sake!" The old man hit the steering wheel as he maneuvered around a column and tailed him.

Michael was sweating, his high had kicked in with so much power he could almost listen to his own heartbeats. Adriana kept on trying to reach for his crotch like the thirsty bitch that she was, whilst he squirmed and gently brushed her away. In reality, he wanted to punch her right in the face and fuckin' knock her out.

But he had a plan, and in order to accomplish it, he needed the broad to think that he was genuinely tryin' to fuck her.

His eyes shifted rapidly between the rearview mirror and the road, trying to lose his tail with sudden maneuvers, but failing. He inwardly cursed, because Bill knew the streets of Milan as good as him since they always traveled together.

He smirked biting his lip when he saw the street light ahead of them turning yellow, so he pressed the pedal to the metal and rushed through it, leaving Bill caught behind the red light and forcefully stopped by the traffic coming across.

He let out a long, relieved sigh and felt the girl's hand now stroking his long hair away from his face. Couldn't she keep her claws to herself?!

"You're so fuckin' hot..." She slurred and his gut stirred with disgust, but he swallowed and smiled cockily before he looked at her sideways and warned through gritted teeth. "Girl... The things I'm gonna do to you."

She giggled, completely oblivious to the real meaning behind Michael's words and he turned his pitch-black eyes ahead, grasping the wheel so tight that his knuckles went white, since he was imagining it was her throat.

Laura and Saul walked out of the venue after she told him that 'Gina' was indeed her sister and that she urgently needed to talk to her. He offered to give her a ride to her Hotel.

"How do you know where she's staying?"

Slash smirked, fastening his helmet before handing her the other. "Let's say she has an expensive habit, for which I provide. Hop on, gorgeous."

Laura put on the helmet, pushed her long dress between her legs so it wouldn't go up once they started moving, and hopped on the bike behind her unexpected helper. Her cellphone rang in her purse and she fetched it out, wrapping her free arm around the pilot's chest.

"Hello!?" She loudly answered as the Harley roared to life.

"I lost him, I fucking lost him! He's driving a black Audi RS5 Coupe, I couldn't memorize the full license plate but it started with BC787."

"Okay Bill, I'm on my way to my sister's Hotel right now, I'll let you know if he's there!"

The night was a little cold and she didn't have a coat, so she snuggled against Slash's body to protect herself from the wind, which he took as an implicit signal that she liked him. He drove the rest of the way with a smile on his face.

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