05 - Picking daisy petals

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Michael woke up feeling amazingly charged. He hadn't felt so upbeat in a long time.
After a quick breakfast, he went out for his weekend morning run with a wide, sweet smile on his face and a newfound glow in his eyes.

Laura's eyes fluttered open and the first thing she did was reach for her phone to check her notifications. No messages from Michael. She looked at the time '08:45 am'. "He's probably still asleep" she thought and hugged her pillow, imagining it was him.

Michael tugged on his hair tie to tighten it up and continued to run, listening to his blasting loud music. He thought of Alex, was she still asleep? Did she dream of him just like he dreamt of her?

She was so beautiful... He wanted to 'save' her, give her the love and the life she deserved. But before that, he had to get to know her.

And he wanted to fuck her. That's the first thing he wanted to do.

He shook his head to brush away that thought and avoid getting a boner in public.

"Michael?" She called but he didn't even flinch. "Michael!" No response.
She decided to run to catch up to him and tapped his shoulder. He jumped a little and finally turned around. The small girl bit her lip and blushed at the sight of this super handsome, sweaty man next to her.

"Hi!" She smiled her wide cheeky smile and wiggled her fingers waving to him.

He took his earbuds off and smiled. "Hey! Star, was it? Wassup?"


Laura couldn't fall asleep again, so she got up and brushed her teeth before heading downstairs to fix herself breakfast. She still didn't know what she was gonna do that weekend, she usually had a tough time coming up with plans for her days off. Maybe now that Jensen was back they could go out.

"Morning, Laura." Helena greeted with her thick accent. She was one of the oldest, most experienced girls and a sort of maternal figure for everybody.

"Hello, Lena. Scrambled eggs?" Laura smiled, holding up the pan.

"Oh, yummy. Thank you."

They sat and started to eat in complete tranquility.

"Have you heard about what happened to Star?" Helena asked and she nodded.

Her coworker reached for her hand and said. "It was hard for her, but it must've been hard for you too."

Laura's eyes teared up imperceptibly before her ice-cold stare took over again. "It wasn't." She drew back her hand and remained silent for the rest of the meal.


"Pleeeeease? I'm lonely and everybody's still asleep at home."

"'Kay, where to?" Michael sighed, surrendering to her insistence.

Star jumped and clapped, grabbing his arm and pulling him down the street. "I know just the right place!"

They sat down at a table on the sidewalk and she fiddled with her hair watching him put on his sunglasses and smile. He looked incredibly handsome.

"So, how's Alex?" He asked, brushing some loose strands of hair behind his ears.

"Um, okay I guess. She was still asleep when I went out for my early walk."

"Does she talk bout me?"

"Umm, can we not talk about her?" Star mumbled, looking away.

Michael took notice of her annoyance and decided to drop the subject. "Okay, okay. Tell me about you instead." He sweetly smiled as the waiter placed their coffees on the table.

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