01 - The Job

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It was another night at La Maison. Juliette, the Madama, gathered the girls in the beautifully furnished foyer and lined them up before she called each one to hand them their identities and send them into the grooming room for characterization.

Laura was in the middle, calmly waiting to hear her name.

"Who do you think you get to be tonite?" Star asked her.

Star was the youngest and the newest talent, discovered in a nightclub two months before by Günther, the scouter. She was still as thrilled as any girl that found herself making an extraordinary amount of money overnight would be.

Laura shrugged "No idea. Whoever the client wants me to be. Last night was so boring though..."

The night before, she was hired to escort the quadriplegic owner of a department store chain to attend a gala. She was asked to pretend to be foreign and to avoid engaging in any conversation. She just had to stand there, and look beautiful.

She appreciated the fact that she didn't have to participate in any sexual activity, though.

"Laura." Juliette's hoarse and stern voice called.

"Good luck!!" Star smiled excitedly and Laura rolled her eyes.

The Madama's cold eyes scanned her up and down before handing her the metallic card with her identity engraved on it. "Tonight, you're Alex. Go into the grooming room, Hannah will give you the details while she does your makeup"

Laura nodded and walked inside.

"Hey, Hannah." She plopped into the chair "I'm Alex, I've been told. What's the deal tonight?"

The groomer placed her fingers under her chin and tilted her beautiful face upwards "Well, the client's an extremely wealthy and important businessman. And very private. Strange thing is, he said he wants the girl to be herself. No character. His only requirement was that she had to be classy and feminine."

Laura scoffed "Be myself, right. I don't think anyone would appreciate me being me."

Hannah stippled a very little amount of foundation into her skin and smiled "I think you're the baddest bitch in town and I love you just the way you are. You take shit from no one. Stone cold bitchass." She laughed.

"Hey! I'm not that cold... I can be sweet when inspired."

"Ha! I'd love to see that. You could use some tenderness in your life. Some affection, genuine affection."

Laura closed her eyes to get the eyeshadow applied and smirked "What girl wouldn't like that? But..."

Hannah raised her eyebrows, sensing her coworker was getting a little soft "But what, girl?"

"No guy would understand what I do for a living. And I can't afford to leave."

"If he's the one for you, he will love you regardless."

After her long hair was styled in loose curls and her makeup was on point, Laura walked behind the divider to change into her sexy yet classy outfit.
The car was already waiting outside for her and she sprayed on her favorite perfume before arriving at her destination.

It was a massive building, very modern and luxurious. Laura's slender legs moved swiftly and gracefully across the hall, before being politely stopped by the receptionist "Good evening ma'am, welcome to Jackson's Towers. May I help you?"

"Good evening, my name's Alex, I'm expected at the penthouse."

The receptionist's eyes widened and he nodded effusively "Oh, of course. Yes. Please, use the elevator on the far right, that's the private one. It only opens at the penthouse."

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