The Missing Piece

Start from the beginning

Mukuro took over Chrome, "Ku fu fu fu fu fu! I can feel my dear Chrome's anger from all the way in Italy. I must say my lovely Sky it's true you can't escape from the mafia especially Vongola but it doesn't mean you can't get back at them."

Harry smiled at Mukuro, the kid had come a long way, "I have to agree with both of your decisions Tsuna and Kyoya. We do need more information and yes we can't avoid the situation. But we also do not need to follow everything to the letter either. If I can get a look at how the rings look, perhaps I can transfigure some metal to mimic them?"

Mukuro perked up, "Transfigure?"

Verde perked up, "I can help you with that."

Lal, "I can get a copy of the model for the rings."

Viper, "If we get the original rings, I can fuse some of your wards with my mist to lock them away. Provided you help me Master the wards in return Harry."

Harry, "Of course Viper! It's a deal. It'll be wonderful to have another Ward Master around! Right you still have ways to go Mukuro. It's one of the other things I can do. Just like the wards that are protecting you and your friends."

Mukuro nodded, "I look forward to learning then, I must go now however~ The others are worried."

Colonello grinned, "It's good to have a plan Kora! Lal if you need help getting those models of the ring. You know where to find me."

Lal gave a sadistic smile, "It shouldn't be hard but considering how things have been back at the headquarters I just might call you to make a distraction."

Reborn smirked, "Good decision Tsuna! A boss always collects every information available before making a choice."

Tsuna blushed and ducked his head at the praise. A praise from Reborn was really rare. It was always "good" or "not bad", a true praise was one in a million. He couldn't help but smile a little before he turned his attention to Verde.

Verde, "Alright has everyone calmed down now? Kids?"

Takeshi, "Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Not exactly, I'm not."

Chrome, "I'm okay... Upset, but okay."

Ryohei looked at Chrome, "Extremely not happy! We can't keep this from the other girls but I'm not sure how we're going to explain to them."

Chrome gave a sigh, "We can inform them together though they'll not be happy to learn."

Kyoya grunted, "Hn!"

Tsuna, "Please carry on Verde Sensei."

Verde, "Alright then! The last piece of the puzzle, I'm afraid to say, I don't know where it is located."

There was stunned silence at that declaration but Verde carried on, "However there is a written manuscript on what the last curse is in the tome. We didn't recognize it first because we were only looking to break our curse and didn't even realize how vast the curse originally was."

Harry, "I'm almost afraid to ask but what exactly is the curse?"

Verde took out the tome and turned to the last page pointing at the small inscription at the far right corner, "As you all can see here. The final curse is insanity due to knowledge of future, present and past, as well as the destruction of the world."

Tsuna stared blankly at the tome while Harry pursed his lips. He had half wondered what it meant but back then he was focused on breaking the Arcobaleno curse only. Reborn's eyes were shadowed as well as the rest of the Arcobaleno. They wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Harry, 'I should have known it wouldn't be so simple and easy.'

Skull, "Ne ne, Verde you said you don't know where it is..... How? No one literally knows about these items except us and most probably Checkerface...... Oh! You don't think that maybe....."

Reborn, "It's possible lackey, it's possible."

Fon, "Any clue on what it looks like Verde?"

Verde frowned, "It's most probably like the first two items, broken and I don't think Checkerface has them. He never showed any interest in the Vongola after all. I pity whoever it is that has the last item."

Harry, "So we search for the final item then, without it we can't break the curse."

Verde, "Yes it seems that way, I'm very curious as to what the final item would be. We have pacifiers and rings, so the last one, wonder what absurd form it'll take."

Lal raised her hand and started to tick her fingers, "So to conclude;
1. We have three cursed items.
2. We know each curse worse than the previous one.
3. We know where two are but the last one is missing.
4. We will have to train you kids up if you are to survive the mafia and not become a victim of the curse.
5. We have to find the last piece.
No pressure!"

Everyone snorted at the crude summarization of the events. Verde gave a huff before announcing that was all and ended the meeting. He was going on a vacation and maybe he'll take Harry with him. They could spend some quality time together away from the madness that will no doubt take place soon in a few months.

(To be continued.....
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It took a while but canon fact, they didn't know about the third piece of Trinettesette till they went to the future!
Till next time my lovely readers!)

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