When they went back to the room later that evening, they were surprised to see pictures of them all over the internet, from walking along the beach, sitting at their little set up or swimming in the water.

"We got spotted," Taylor sighed as she turned her computer towards the brunette so she could see it.

"Does it say the resort name?"


"Can you see my hickeys in the pictures?"

"No, this was before the make-up washed off."

"Then don't worry about it," Grace replied, "We're leaving in two days anyways."

They were sitting on the bed, freshly showered with room service on a tray in between them. Grace was snacking on the last of their french-fries with her hair in a bun, shorts and a t-shirt lining her frame. Taylor had her wet hair dangling past her shoulders as she sat in a bra and sweatpants.

"Okay," she agreed softly, shutting the lid of the laptop, "What's the plan for tonight?"

"I don't know, to be honest I'm not in the best place right now."

Taylor frowned, "What's going on? Do you want to talk?"

Grace shrugged, "Just thinking about how by now Sam would've been born."

"Aww," Taylor sighed, "I'm sorry, baby girl."

The singer moved the tray a bit so she could scoot closer to Grace, engulfing her in a warm embrace that the younger girl leaned into quickly. While the blonde's long arms surrounded her body, Grace snaked her arm around Taylor's torso so try and get closer, the feeling of Taylor's warm skin very soothing.

"My due date would've been last Monday, I calculated it online so I don't know how accurate it is but we could've had a baby last Monday, Taylor."

"How does that make you feel?" Taylor questioned softly, her hand running up and down Grace's back absently as she listened to the sadness in the girl's voice.

"Sad," Grace answered with a low tone.

They had been trying really hard to maintain the communication and honestly with each other, things were good almost all of the time but when they became tough, it was just a rough night, not a rough life.

"And is there something I can do to cheer you up or make it a little less upsetting for you right now?"

"We're on our honeymoon, I don't want to turn this into a thing, sorry," Grace apologized as she began to sit up, "I think I might just go down to the gym and run a couple miles, try and shake this feeling."

"Hey," Taylor said softly, "You don't have to do that, hun. We can talk about it if that's what you need to do, I promise you I don't mind. If not, would you mind me coming to the gym with you? We don't have security and I'll just worry otherwise, especially cause you're sad. I can be quiet and let you think, I would prefer you not go alone though."

"We've done a lot of talking about it, I just need to clear my head. Walk on the beach instead sound okay? The sun is going down."

"Yeah," Taylor agreed, "That sounds nice, let me put some clothes on though," she added with a dry chuckle.

"If I wasn't upset I'd make a joke and ask if you had to," Grace said as she pulled a hoodie over her body and changed from shorts to sweatpants, just in case they ended up getting photographed again.

"I think you still did," Taylor replied, "That's the sweater I was going to put on."

"It's my sweater."

Stay - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now