🐝Ring Pop P.2.🐝

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Diya was staring in the mirror, her heart racing.

"You need to calm down, Diya. Freaking out won't do you any good." Noelle sighed, still curling her hair.

"I just- what if she doesn't like the dress? what if she doesn't like how i look with makeup? what if something goes horribly wrong with her or my parents?? We're ASAINS Noelle! HOMOSEXUAL ASAINS!"

Noelle chuckled softly "yes, yes I know. Trust me I do. but you do know she loves you, right?"

"of course, i just-" Diya took a deep breath, "i worry, obviously. it's my social anxiety. it's silly, but- it's there."

"it's not silly, Diya. mental illness is mental illness, and nobody, nobody, blames you for it." Noelle promised.

Diya nodded.

She knew, deep down, it would be okay.


Min was crashing and burning. Diya was right, the black dress looked pretty on her. And yes, her hair looked beautiful. But it just all felt so wrong.

They had met 16 years ago, were separated for five, and then met again in Freshman Year.

That was- perfect.

This was all too perfect.

Akarsha was making jokes about hacking the systems to play 'All Star' by Smash Mouth during the first dance.

"Do it and i'll stab a pole through your brain, where the whole already is."

"that's pretty damn kinky." Akarsha snickered.

"I have a girl- Fiancé. I have a Fiancé." Min corrected herself, tying her platformed converse. She couldn't stand the fact that her lover was so much taller than her, and she couldn't let her SOCIALLY ANXIOUS partner stick out like the Eiffel Tower over Paris in Winter. Not a good idea.

"Hell yeah you do. And it's gonna be amazing. probably not perfect since you two are an accident waiting to happen, but it's gonna be hella awesome." Akarsha beamed.

Min smiled, "Thank you, Akarsha. I'm glad I have a friend like you."

"If you get all mushy i will not hesitate to splash my blood on you like i did 11 years ago." Akarsha threatens.

Min put her hands up in surrender "okay! okay!" she said quickly.

"Awesome. Now, I'm gonna go check on the snacks. We all know the lizard people like to feed on innocent lesbian Asian wedding cakes." Akarsha nodded, saluting Min before grabbing her alien sunglasses, straightening her dark gray tee shirt with a with a tuxedo design on it, and fort-nite dancing outta there.

Min snickered and shook her head, pulling her phone out. her background was Diya holding Shibe and Pom with the caption

Do it for Her.

She smiled. By the end of today, this would be her wife.

Noelle already did her makeup, so she couldn't cry. If she did, it would ruin the wedding. She put her phone away. Since they were both female, they chose the groomsmen and bridesmaids together.

The parties only included of friends, and Jun.

Akarsha, Noelle, Liz, and Shibe were the bridesmaid party.

Jun, Hayden, and Pom were the groomsmen.

(if i misgendered the animals, i'm sorry!)

Chyssa was the decided marriage officiant. She was the most able to keep her cool, and honestly was so sweet.

She had cried when Diya and Min brought the idea up, and here we are.

So here they were. they were waiting on the time to arrive.

And it was crushing both of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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